Jdismybug1 doesn?t like skinny jeans on anyone. Controversial and somewhat unpopular krptcmschf doesn?t think the new ?fatkinis? are flattering. Controversial and Discussion inducing. suv75 prefers having C cup boobs over DDs on a small frame. I love boobs of all sizes, but on small frames, Cs can look giant. Somehwhat popular Manneek1977 thinks women should be in the kitchen, where they belong. Not sure if serious... one dissent MintBerryCrunch hates most scents and perfumes. I agree. Somewhat popular Manneek1977 loves flower and butterfly tattoos. not addressed Manneek1977 also likes guys with ponytails. Does this apply to men with receding hairlines and ponytails? Cuz one of my co-workers is rocking that look. It?s not good. Not addressed robinsokj thinks jumpers look pretty ridiculous on any non-toddler. I agree. Mostly Popular +2 RondackHiker doesn?t agree with a lot of advice given to people about dogs and new babies. Discussion inducing. MrsGoodkat doesn?t like bikinis on anyone. This is so spectacularly incorrect, she may as well have said the sky is orange. Unpopular MrsGoodkat also thinks some people play up being a war vet, in particular those who never really saw combat. Not addressed... people were too distracted by bikinis. I can?t blame them. Manneek1977 dislikes noisy toys. I think most parents would agree on this. Not addressed, but probably Popular.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 2: haleyjean84 loved this past season of Grey?s Anatomy. I?m shocked it?s still on. not addressed katem3277 thinks children don?t belong in their parents? bed. I?m mixed on this. It?s a can of worms I kind of wish we?d never opened, but then again, I do like the extra sleep we get. Discussion inducing, mostly unpopular LaceFace14 hates the phrase ?come to Jesus talk?. I?ve never heard it. I?m not the only one.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 3: skellysmom likes jeggings on her daughter. I think jeggings on children is considered ok? Popular acaudill75 thinks caucasian women in general are too hard on themselves when it comes to how they look. I agree that in general African American and Latina women seem more ok with their bodies than White Americans. Specifically, I will see Latina women rocking tiny bikinis where white ladies of the same size often would not. But really, I think women in general are too hard on themselves. (end pandering to audience) Some discussion, a lot of confusion.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 4: missyishere doesn?t like pre-teenkinis. Popular. manneek1977 thinks it?s up to every parent how long their child nurses, takes a bottle, or paci. I mostly agree, although I think kindergartners shouldn?t have pacifiers, and nursing past 3 or so is a bit odd in my book. not really addressed. Manneek1977 thinks parental instincts trump medical science. I think a lot of people are stupid and have bad instincts. Listen to your doctor, hippy. not addressed Manneek1977 thinks teenagers should do most household chores. As a former teenager, I?d love to hear how she motivates teenagers to do so. Somewhat unpopular
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 5: Manneek1977 thinks Nic Cage is a horrible actor. I think he can be good and can be awful. The man does love to over act and chew scenery. VERY Popular ItsAllGravy dislikes ?fruity? body sprays. I agree, but I also know that teenage girls love them, which is why teenage boys wear crud like AXE. Popular Page 6: (teenager talk. No UOs, because no one likes raising teenagers) Page 7: (discussion, half-assed netbattling)
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 8: CinemaGoddess doens?t think Arrested Development is funny. Wrong. UNPOPULAR ReeseFox doesn?t think camping is fun or relaxing. I think it really depends where you go, how you do it, and how long. Popular (there was some leash talk) Page 9: LuckyDad is confused when people complain about what their spouse wants to watch. Can?t they each just watch what they like? LuckyDad thinks Cookie Monster is the best Sesame Street Character
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Page 8: LuckyDad thinks Cookie Monster is the best Sesame Street Character
Even with his substance abuse problem, Cookie is the coolest!
Funniest Family Guy clip ever!!!
I give up trying to get a ticker. I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome. Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself. Hmmm. How about...
"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Valley Girl is the best Nic Cage movie ever. And Urban Cowboy is Travolta's best work. Really the 80's was the best decade for movies ever.
I give up trying to get a ticker. I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome. Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself. Hmmm. How about...
"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Valley Girl is the best Nic Cage movie ever. And Urban Cowboy is Travolta's best work. Really the 80's was the best decade for movies ever.
Best and worst. There were way more TERRIBLE movies made in the 80s than now.
Worst in the best way possible! They just don't make cheese like that anymore.
I give up trying to get a ticker. I have a DD that is 2.5 years old and is awesome. Maybe I'll add a quote to distinguish myself. Hmmm. How about...
"It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?" - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
*notes The Rock as in the Nick Cage movie, not the wrestler/actor/whoever the eff that guy is*
*hits Lexi with a steel chair, followed by Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow*
(don't worry, it's all fake)
Holy crap did I just have a flashback
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
Re: UO Recap
krptcmschf doesn?t think the new ?fatkinis? are flattering. Controversial and Discussion inducing.
suv75 prefers having C cup boobs over DDs on a small frame. I love boobs of all sizes, but on small frames, Cs can look giant. Somehwhat popular
Manneek1977 thinks women should be in the kitchen, where they belong. Not sure if serious... one dissent
MintBerryCrunch hates most scents and perfumes. I agree. Somewhat popular
Manneek1977 loves flower and butterfly tattoos. not addressed
Manneek1977 also likes guys with ponytails. Does this apply to men with receding hairlines and ponytails? Cuz one of my co-workers is rocking that look. It?s not good. Not addressed
robinsokj thinks jumpers look pretty ridiculous on any non-toddler. I agree. Mostly Popular +2
RondackHiker doesn?t agree with a lot of advice given to people about dogs and new babies. Discussion inducing.
MrsGoodkat doesn?t like bikinis on anyone. This is so spectacularly incorrect, she may as well have said the sky is orange. Unpopular
MrsGoodkat also thinks some people play up being a war vet, in particular those who never really saw combat. Not addressed... people were too distracted by bikinis. I can?t blame them.
Manneek1977 dislikes noisy toys. I think most parents would agree on this. Not addressed, but probably Popular.
haleyjean84 loved this past season of Grey?s Anatomy. I?m shocked it?s still on. not addressed
katem3277 thinks children don?t belong in their parents? bed. I?m mixed on this. It?s a can of worms I kind of wish we?d never opened, but then again, I do like the extra sleep we get. Discussion inducing, mostly unpopular
LaceFace14 hates the phrase ?come to Jesus talk?. I?ve never heard it. I?m not the only one.
Wait, wait, you gave it.
// I love you too. //
skellysmom likes jeggings on her daughter. I think jeggings on children is considered ok? Popular
acaudill75 thinks caucasian women in general are too hard on themselves when it comes to how they look. I agree that in general African American and Latina women seem more ok with their bodies than White Americans. Specifically, I will see Latina women rocking tiny bikinis where white ladies of the same size often would not. But really, I think women in general are too hard on themselves. (end pandering to audience) Some discussion, a lot of confusion.
missyishere doesn?t like pre-teenkinis. Popular.
manneek1977 thinks it?s up to every parent how long their child nurses, takes a bottle, or paci. I mostly agree, although I think kindergartners shouldn?t have pacifiers, and nursing past 3 or so is a bit odd in my book. not really addressed.
Manneek1977 thinks parental instincts trump medical science. I think a lot of people are stupid and have bad instincts. Listen to your doctor, hippy. not addressed
Manneek1977 thinks teenagers should do most household chores. As a former teenager, I?d love to hear how she motivates teenagers to do so. Somewhat unpopular
Manneek1977 thinks Nic Cage is a horrible actor. I think he can be good and can be awful. The man does love to over act and chew scenery. VERY Popular
ItsAllGravy dislikes ?fruity? body sprays. I agree, but I also know that teenage girls love them, which is why teenage boys wear crud like AXE. Popular
Page 6:
(teenager talk. No UOs, because no one likes raising teenagers)
Page 7:
(discussion, half-assed netbattling)
CinemaGoddess doens?t think Arrested Development is funny. Wrong. UNPOPULAR
ReeseFox doesn?t think camping is fun or relaxing. I think it really depends where you go, how you do it, and how long. Popular
(there was some leash talk)
Page 9:
LuckyDad is confused when people complain about what their spouse wants to watch. Can?t they each just watch what they like?
LuckyDad thinks Cookie Monster is the best Sesame Street Character
Funniest Family Guy clip ever!!!
He just likes cookies. And will do anything for one. But never seems to have any money. Ok, maybe he does have a problem.
Many bad actors are great in at least one film. John Travolta is good in Pulp Fiction. Almost anyone can be good in a Coen Brother film.
Valley Girl is the best Nic Cage movie ever. And Urban Cowboy is Travolta's best work. Really the 80's was the best decade for movies ever.
Best and worst. There were way more TERRIBLE movies made in the 80s than now.
Worst in the best way possible! They just don't make cheese like that anymore.
Protip: Separating UOs into separate posts is a good way to up your post count and get more attention!
Matchstick Men was another good Nic Cage movie.
*hits Lexi with a steel chair, followed by Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow*
(don't worry, it's all fake)
I love that movie. He was Nick Coppola in that one.
Yep. He's always been my favorite!
Holy crap did I just have a flashback
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
How do you get up from that? You can't. It's devastating.
You speak the truth!