
BFing with syringe

 **reposting from BF board**
I delivered a 4 pound baby at 34 weeks.  He's thriving now, and I'm working diligently with a LC to get him strong enough to take a full feeding from my breast.  Today the LC suggested we move away from the nipple shield and move towards a syringe with tube against my nipple to get him to start taking my nipple without the shield.

we did it together today, and I tried on my own at home... I find it incredibly difficult to do on my own and my little guy is really frustrated.  Anyone else with a preemie used this method?  How did it work for you/your LO?
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Re: BFing with syringe

  • My DD was a 35 weeker and had issues latching.

    We went straight from the nipple shield to breast.  It took about 6 full weeks to get her fully adjusted to just the bare breast, but in the long scheme of things it worked out well :).  Considering she was a preemie and had low birth weight I think we had a really successful nursing relationship (she was EBFed for about 7 months).

    How old is Owen now?  I would give the little guy some time.  I don't find nipple shields to be evil and it honestly annoys me that so many LCs are so quick to want to get rid of them.  My DD gained weight beautifully with a nipple shield and was able to come off of it when she was ready. 

    Follow your gut. 

    Married 6/28/03

    Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10

    4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014


    No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.

    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • Owen is 5 weeks old and I felt like we were making progress on the shield.  One of my LC's reasons for wanting to drop it is supply.  I delivered early due to pre-e that is still an issue and my meds seem to be decreasing my supply.  I'll try a few more times before I decide its not for us. 


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  • We used a nipple shield until about 7-8 weeks and then I was finally able to wean from it.  I never used the syringe technique. 
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  • kar5162kar5162 member
    I used a shield with DS for 8 months with no supply issues - he was a 34 weeker and was very tounge tied. I was told (who knows) that the supply problem used to be a problem when they had the thicker rubber shields and is usually fine with the thin silicone ones.
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