I think first birthday parties are boring and we're not having one for DS.
I agree with this. I had a very small one for A, but most of the day was spent on effort cleaning, baking, and hosting, and not actually just celebrating her. I glad that we did something with just the three of us the day of her actual birthday.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Lol, I have tattoos, too. I just am very picky aboutwhat tattoos I like, particularly on women. I don't like certain placements, designs, uncoordinated and bold primary colors.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I hate when some one thing is better than you,just because they can afford it,and they made excuses to prove that they are better,even they know they are wrong,or when they trying to be to cocky about something stupid.(like the post from yesterday about the Chinese diapers). I'm sorry but I really I have to vent this.
I'm not into tatoos for myself, but I tolerate and can even appreciate them on others.
I do think that they can be unprofessional for some jobs but in most industries they shouldn't matter.
Face tatoos are a whole other topic. No one should get those!!
I hate it when people use "we can't afford it" or "I don't have enough time" as an excuse for the decisions they make. We ALL have to decide how to spend our time and money and as often as not, lifestyle choices are a reflection of priority disparities as anything else.
I hate it when people use "we can't afford it" or "I don't have enough time" as an excuse for the decisions they make. We ALL have to decide how to spend our time and money and as often as not, lifestyle choices are a reflection of priority disparities as anything else.
I totally agree with this. I will never forget a time in class, that a fellow student was complaining about how she couldn't afford free range or organic food. Meanwhile, she was sporting a professionally done haircut and dye job and carrying an expensive purse. I don't care if that's what you want to spend your money on, but just own your choice instead of pleading poverty.
I'm not into tatoos for myself, but I tolerate and can even appreciate them on others.
I do think that they can be unprofessional for some jobs but in most industries they shouldn't matter.
Face tatoos are a whole other topic. No one should get those!!
This made me laugh because at my former job in banking, no one ever knew that I hadtattoos, or for that matter my several piercings in my ears. It would probably have shocked a lot of them to find out, and did in fact shock my boss when he first saw me during a summer party with my hair in a ponytail.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I think 90% of the tattoos I see on women are trashy.
I agree. I also believe mothers shouldn't try to be the "cool mom" and take their 17 year old daughter to get a tattoo. I may or may not be stuck with tramp stamp. Thanks Mom.
Because I have tattoos! I want a sleeve eventually lol
Actually, I do agree with the 1st bday party in part. I don't get why people get bouncy houses and stuff when their kid can't even walk.
I did have one for L where I made decorations and stuff, and I plan to have one for each kid. DHs family gets really excited about stuff like that anyway.
ETA I just realized my bday party issue is not the same lol. But still.
I actually really like tattoos that are well done. I just don't see a lot of them.
Because I have tattoos! I want a sleeve eventually lol
Actually, I do agree with the 1st bday party in part. I don't get why people get bouncy houses and stuff when their kid can't even walk.
I did have one for L where I made decorations and stuff, and I plan to have one for each kid. DHs family gets really excited about stuff like that anyway.
ETA I just realized my bday party issue is not the same lol. But still.
I actually really like tattoos that are well done. I just don't see a lot of them.
It's such a subjective thing, too. Like a friend may be totally thrilled showing me a terrible butterfly tattoo on her hip, and she thinks it's amazing, the best artwork, really meaningful, and I'm trying to smile at her about it while secretly judging everything about it. I may hate it or think it's trashy, but I'm also not the one who really needs to like it or live with it. KWIM?
I'm sure some people would hate my tattoos, too. But I would never trade them in.
Also, on the subject of tattoos, I hate when J gets new ones. It seriously stresses me out. I am a super anxious person, and really don't like change, and he usually gets a new one right as I've finally gotten used to the last one. He comes home and tells me about such and such new tattoo he wants to get and I usually scowl at him. Really supportive wife, here.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Just because your boobs are huge does not mean they are fabulous, all guys fantasize about them, and all girls are jealous of them. It's just not true.
Lol, I love this one! I prefer my small pre baby/pre BF boobs to the larger ones I've got now, and have never been jealous of larger chested women.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I don't know if this is more of an UO or a FFFC, but I don't get what the big deal about period sex is. I'm not going to lose out on 1/4 of my sex life just because of a little blood. I refrain on the first one, maybe two days,but after that it's fair game.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I hate when people write their thoughts as one long sentence. I understand that some people might not have had the same opportunities as me, so they might struggle with grammar. And, I'll admit that when I miss a comma posting, I'm usually too lazy to go back and fix it. However, I'm sure everyone can manage to insert a period after each complete thought.
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
I don't know if this is more of an UO or a FFFC, but I don't get what the big deal about period sex is. I'm not going to lose out on 1/4 of my sex life just because of a little blood. I refrain on the first one, maybe two days,but after that it's fair game.
haha I used to not refrain at all. Now I'm just too tired for clean up.
This is probably a FFFC, but DH would totally throw up if I tried to DTD with Flo in town. And he hates tattoos so much that I told him a long time ago that if I ever wanted to split, I would get a tattoo rather than divorce papers. I'm thinking he would not fit in on this board at all. haha
I don't know if this is more of an UO or a FFFC, but I don't get what the big deal about period sex is. I'm not going to lose out on 1/4 of my sex life just because of a little blood. I refrain on the first one, maybe two days,but after that it's fair game.
haha I used to not refrain at all. Now I'm just too tired for clean up.
This is probably a FFFC, but DH would totally throw up if I tried to DTD with Flo in town. And he hates tattoos so much that I told him a long time ago that if I ever wanted to split, I would get a tattoo rather than divorce papers. I'm thinking he would not fit in on this board at all. haha
Lol. Nah, we'd still be nice, at least.
That would have been such a deal breaker for me when I was dating J. I have a super high sex drive normally, and seriously would not be ok with that. My sex drive is already higher than his as it is.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
No one should ever go outside their house wearing pajamas. Or the mall. Or the grocery store. Or even to the mailbox.nbsp;
Are you one of the people who say no pajamas but are okay with athletic clothes in public even though people aren't working out??
I put on pj bottoms as or walk around in my undies as soon as I get home. Soo much more comfortable!
Lol, this is me. I wouldn't leave the house in say flannel pajama pants (which I don't even own, sinceI sleep in undies) but I have no problem leaving the house in yoga pants to run errands. And I don't think I've ever worked out, much less worked out in yoga pants, hahaha.
Although I don't actually care if anyone is out in their PJs though, so at least I'm not poo pooing that while staring at them in my yoga pants.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Just because your boobs are huge does not mean they are fabulous, all guys fantasize about them, and all girls are jealous of them. It's just not true.
Lol, I love this one! I prefer my small pre baby/pre BF boobs to the larger ones I've got now, and have never been jealous of larger chested women.
I so want a pair of B's. As it is I can't wear a bikini because I feel like I'm falling out of the top.
And my husband doesn't care about the size of my boobs, he just likes my butt.
No one should ever go outside their house wearing pajamas. Or the mall. Or the grocery store. Or even to the mailbox.nbsp;
Are you one of the people who say no pajamas but are okay with athletic clothes in public even though people aren't working out??
I put on pj bottoms as or walk around in my undies as soon as I get home. Soo much more comfortable!
no, I never wear athletic stuff unless I'm working out. I am okay with workout clothes if you're all sweaty in the grocery store post workout, though
I don't know if this is more of an UO or a FFFC, but I don't get what the big deal about period sex is. I'm not going to lose out on 1/4 of my sex life just because of a little blood. I refrain on the first one, maybe two days,but after that it's fair game.
haha I used to not refrain at all. Now I'm just too tired for clean up.
no clean up needed in the shower!
I only really like shower sex occasionally, and usually as a start to something more. Water is like the anti lube.
it is the anti-lube and I'm normally not a fan of the shower...but it's a good compromise during your period
Just because your boobs are huge does not mean they are fabulous, all guys fantasize about them, and all girls are jealous of them. It's just not true.
Lol, I love this one! I prefer my small pre baby/pre BF boobs to the larger ones I've got now, and have never been jealous of larger chested women.
I so want a pair of B's. As it is I can't wear a bikini because I feel like I'm falling out of the top.
And my husband doesn't care about the size of my boobs, he just likes my butt.
Lol, I wish that my boobs were the reason I couldn't wear a bikini!
Also, on the butt thing, this may or may it be the reasonI feel great in a pair of yoga pants.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
No one should ever go outside their house wearing pajamas. Or the mall. Or the grocery store. Or even to the mailbox.nbsp;
Are you one of the people who say no pajamas but are okay with athletic clothes in public even though people aren't working out??
I put on pj bottoms as or walk around in my undies as soon as I get home. Soo much more comfortable!
Lol, this is me. I wouldn't leave the house in say flannel pajama pants (which I don't even own, sinceI sleep in undies) but I have no problem leaving the house in yoga pants to run errands. And I don't think I've ever worked out, much less worked out in yoga pants, hahaha.
Although I don't actually care if anyone is out in their PJs though, so at least I'm not poo pooing that while staring at them in my yoga pants.
I went out to a bar in my PJs once. But I was cute. They were yellow I think, with stars or something. A tank and pant set. But this was in LA and I did whatever I wanted lol
Lol this made me giggle. I like you more the more random stuff you post hahaha.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I think it is a SAHMs job to do the housework. I don't think that a SAHM is a maid and should pick up after her husband, and that when he is home he should just sit in his recliner while you bring him beers and rub his feet, but I don't think that he should be expected to split all the chores. I never realized that this wasn't the normal way of thinking til I was on these boards for a bit.
I think it is a SAHMs job to do the housework. I don't think that a SAHM is a maid and should pick up after her husband, and that when he is home he should just sit in his recliner while you bring him beers and rub his feet, but I don't think that he should be expected to split all the chores. I never realized that this wasn't the normal way of thinking til I was on these boards for a bit.
agreed. And add SAHDs
SAH anythings
Meh, J tidies, I clean. He usually cooks, I put the kid to sleep most nights, and do 95% of her bath/routine care stuff and let him relax after work. He wakes up early most mornings, I haven't slept a full night uninterrupted in 18 months. He works hard at work, and I work hard with A. We each get some days we take it easy, other days we work harder. My job during the day is 90% caring for A, not cleaning. Don't get me wrong, I usually put most of my effort in during the day so that we can keep most of our family time intact, but I definitely expect J to be a full partner in keeping our house neat and clean.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
i don't know how working moms do it. Like, ladies who WOH, I give you a serious tip of my hat. When I'm getting ready with A to leave in the morning, we usually get out of the house about two hours later than I'd planned, and I don't know how you guys get to daycare and work on time every day. When A was teething her molars and was awake the entire night,I got to sleep in until 11 the next morning, and I don't know how you can be awake at 3 am with a super cranky, teething baby and then be at work the next day. I feel like there is no way that I have my sh!t together enough to be a working mom. The same way that I think moms of multiples are superheroes, I think working moms are too.
I would hope that that part isn't the UO, but more I guess my UO is that I think I would fall apart if I was a working mom. Sometimes I feel like I barely cut it as a SAHM.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
i don't know how working moms do it. Like, ladies who WOH, I give you a serious tip of my hat. When I'm getting ready with A to leave in the morning, we usually get out of the house about two hours later than I'd planned, and I don't know how you guys get to daycare and work on time every day. When A was teething her molars and was awake the entire night,I got to sleep in until 11 the next morning, and I don't know how you can be awake at 3 am with a super cranky, teething baby and then be at work the next day. I feel like there is no way that I have my sh!t together enough to be a working mom. The same way that I think moms of multiples are superheroes, I think working moms are too.
I would hope that that part isn't the UO, but more I guess my UO is that I think I would fall apart if I was a working mom. Sometimes I feel like I barely cut it as a SAHM.
i don't know how working moms do it. Like, ladies who WOH, I give you a serious tip of my hat. When I'm getting ready with A to leave in the morning, we usually get out of the house about two hours later than I'd planned, and I don't know how you guys get to daycare and work on time every day. When A was teething her molars and was awake the entire night,I got to sleep in until 11 the next morning, and I don't know how you can be awake at 3 am with a super cranky, teething baby and then be at work the next day. I feel like there is no way that I have my sh!t together enough to be a working mom. The same way that I think moms of multiples are superheroes, I think working moms are too.
I would hope that that part isn't the UO, but more I guess my UO is that I think I would fall apart if I was a working mom. Sometimes I feel like I barely cut it as a SAHM.
The most important thing is getting a shower in before my daughter wakes up. If I don't do this I'm SOL.
And as for the up all night, I take a sick day. I've also worked from home with a sick child, but its usually only 4 hours.
I am definitely not super mom, you just make a lot of lists and make sure the important things get done.
And it helps that my daughter is an angel and sleeps from 8 until 7 most nights (now that I've said this we will be cursed with the next one hating to sleep).
Re: UO
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Adding on...I find most tattoos to be lousy to mediocre at best.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Maybe the bit if exercise it would take to open a door could pay off??
[i work with these people, they are otherwise healthy.. No shoulder problems, etc]
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
You've never been to one of my bday parties!!!!
I do think that they can be unprofessional for some jobs but in most industries they shouldn't matter.
Face tatoos are a whole other topic. No one should get those!!
I totally agree with this. I will never forget a time in class, that a fellow student was complaining about how she couldn't afford free range or organic food. Meanwhile, she was sporting a professionally done haircut and dye job and carrying an expensive purse. I don't care if that's what you want to spend your money on, but just own your choice instead of pleading poverty.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I agree. I also believe mothers shouldn't try to be the "cool mom" and take their 17 year old daughter to get a tattoo. I may or may not be stuck with tramp stamp. Thanks Mom.
I actually really like tattoos that are well done. I just don't see a lot of them.
I'm sure some people would hate my tattoos, too. But I would never trade them in.
Also, on the subject of tattoos, I hate when J gets new ones. It seriously stresses me out. I am a super anxious person, and really don't like change, and he usually gets a new one right as I've finally gotten used to the last one. He comes home and tells me about such and such new tattoo he wants to get and I usually scowl at him. Really supportive wife, here.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
This is probably a FFFC, but DH would totally throw up if I tried to DTD with Flo in town. And he hates tattoos so much that I told him a long time ago that if I ever wanted to split, I would get a tattoo rather than divorce papers. I'm thinking he would not fit in on this board at all. haha
no clean up needed in the shower!
That would have been such a deal breaker for me when I was dating J. I have a super high sex drive normally, and seriously would not be ok with that. My sex drive is already higher than his as it is.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Are you one of the people who say no pajamas but are okay with athletic clothes in public even though people aren't working out??
I put on pj bottoms as or walk around in my undies as soon as I get home. Soo much more comfortable!
This made me laugh!
Although I don't actually care if anyone is out in their PJs though, so at least I'm not poo pooing that while staring at them in my yoga pants.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I so want a pair of B's. As it is I can't wear a bikini because I feel like I'm falling out of the top.
And my husband doesn't care about the size of my boobs, he just likes my butt.
No one should ever be out wearing fuzzy slippers at Target. And yes I have seen this, and they were pink.
no, I never wear athletic stuff unless I'm working out. I am okay with workout clothes if you're all sweaty in the grocery store post workout, though
it is the anti-lube and I'm normally not a fan of the shower...but it's a good compromise during your period
Also, on the butt thing, this may or may it be the reasonI feel great in a pair of yoga pants.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
agreed. And add SAHDs
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
i don't know how working moms do it. Like, ladies who WOH, I give you a serious tip of my hat. When I'm getting ready with A to leave in the morning, we usually get out of the house about two hours later than I'd planned, and I don't know how you guys get to daycare and work on time every day. When A was teething her molars and was awake the entire night,I got to sleep in until 11 the next morning, and I don't know how you can be awake at 3 am with a super cranky, teething baby and then be at work the next day. I feel like there is no way that I have my sh!t together enough to be a working mom. The same way that I think moms of multiples are superheroes, I think working moms are too.
I would hope that that part isn't the UO, but more I guess my UO is that I think I would fall apart if I was a working mom. Sometimes I feel like I barely cut it as a SAHM.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
Amen to all this! I don't know how people do it.
The most important thing is getting a shower in before my daughter wakes up. If I don't do this I'm SOL.
And as for the up all night, I take a sick day. I've also worked from home with a sick child, but its usually only 4 hours.
I am definitely not super mom, you just make a lot of lists and make sure the important things get done.
And it helps that my daughter is an angel and sleeps from 8 until 7 most nights (now that I've said this we will be cursed with the next one hating to sleep).