
More than one agency?

Is anyone working with more than one agency at the same time? Thoughts?
Domestic Adoption-Activated January 29th, 2013. Trying to be patient. The journey:

Re: More than one agency?

  • We did, it wasn't our intention from the start but our local agency could not tell us what the wait would be to get into their pool of waiting families once we completed our home study.  We worked with two other national agencies and brought our child home through one of them :-)
  • We had to sign a contract that we wouldn't.  I say, if you are that uncomfortable with your agency you should just switch all together.  Smile
    I'm a dance studio owner, writer, cat mommy, and adventuress who is married to the man of her dreams. My husband and I have had a long-time dream to adopt and it's happening in a way that we didn't quite anticipate. But, like any move of God, it's turning out way better than we expected. We'd love for you to follow our story at!
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  • We worked with 6. It was actually recommended to us that we work with more than one so that we could broaden our search. Only upfront fees were initial application fees. The local agency did our homestudy and visits, then shared that information with the other agencies.
    Cervical Cancer Survivor since 2007 TTC Since 2008 IUI#1 = BFN IUI#2 = BFN IUI#3 = BFN IUI#4 = BFN IVF #1 = BFN FET #1 = BFN FET #2 = BFN FET #3 = BFN IVF #2 = BFN IVF #3 = BFN FET #4 = BFN FET #5 = BFP!!! 06/10/2011 Miscarriage 06/21/2011 Adoption Application Submitted 09/2011, Personal Documents Submitted 11/18/2011, Home Visit 12/16/2011, Officially Waiting!!! 01/21/2013 MATCHED!!!! 01/24/2013 Baby Boy Born! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • erinmc1erinmc1 member
    We started with one agency, and weren't happy, but felt kind of trapped because we'd already paid pretty hefty fees.  So we joined with another agency that only charged a placement fee.  And matched 5 days later.
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