Hi Ladies:
I am new to this board. I took a pregnancy test last night (First Response) and it showed BARELY visible pink line. This morning, I tested again and the line was darker but still faint. My question is--does this mean I am pregnant? I called my doctor and she said, most likely yes. However, I am hesitant to be too excited because the lines are so faint. My period is not due until Sunday (May 19th). Any input would be appreciated!
Re: Faint line on First response test - pregnant?
December Siggy Challenge: Love Actually
congrats, your pregnant!!
my first few tests barely had a line. I had to take a double look to see if I was seeing things. If there's a line, your pregnant. I had my first positive 11 days after ovulation..3 days before my missed period.. so yea, it's possible to get a positive early.
I would call your Dr. in a few days and have her write you a slip to get the pregnancy blood test. that way your Dr. can confirm it.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Yup! Congrats!
Been there done that. You are pregnant. Someone may have already said this but the best time is in the morning. Mine was faint too
Even at 4 days past my missed period, my line was only half as dark as the test line. But as long as its there, you're good!
I always buy the clearblue digital tests because they not pregnant or pregnant (and show an approximate time of when you conceived).
No lines to mess with!!
See above responses. Take that advice to heart. Note dates. You bumped a 7 month old thread.
#6: 1/4/2014 m/c @ 7wks
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
Beta #1 - 10dpo = 50
Beta #2 - 12dpo - 127
Beta #3 - 24dpo - 15,594!
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
**Removed by Admin**
TTC #1 since April 2015
RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
Polyp removed May 2017
FET May 2017 - BFP!
Baby boy born 2/2/18
This thread has been closed. Please do not post pictures of your pregnancy test and ask the Community if you are pregnant. Instead, please visit our 1st Trimester board to discuss early possible pregnancy symptoms and the thread pinned to the top of this board called, “What does a positive pregnancy test really look like?” where members are permitted to display their pregnancy tests.
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