1st Trimester

Faint line on First response test - pregnant?

Hi Ladies:

I am new to this board.  I took a pregnancy test last night (First Response) and it showed  BARELY visible pink line.  This morning, I tested again and the line was darker but still faint.   My question is--does this mean I am pregnant?  I called my doctor and she said, most likely yes.  However, I am hesitant to be too excited because the lines are so faint. My period is not due until Sunday (May 19th). Any input would be appreciated!

Re: Faint line on First response test - pregnant?

  • My first couple of tests were very light lines because it was only 10 or 11 dpo. A line = pregnant. Congrats!
  • Your eggo is preggo as Juno would say! Congrats! I took three tests this morning, and I am 15dpo. My first test's second line was dark, but the other two were pretty faint. A line is a line! 

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  • LMCB12LMCB12 member
    Hehe. I took four pregnancy tests. I was 10 dpo and I took two cheapo wondfo's and the line was so barely there that I didn't even tell my DH. The next morning I did another one with fmu and the line was a tad darker but still not super visible. I showed it to my DH but he didn't believe it really and told me I should go to the doctor so we knew for sure. I decided to just go buy a digital and when the word pregnant popped up is when it became real. For some reason seeing it spelled out and not just a line made it sink in! Haha. Too funny.

  • congrats, your pregnant!!

    my first few tests barely had a line. I had to take a double look to see if I was seeing things. If there's a line, your pregnant. I had my first positive 11 days after ovulation..3 days before my missed period.. so yea, it's possible to get a positive early. 

    I would call your Dr. in a few days and have her write you a slip to get the pregnancy blood test. that way your Dr. can confirm it.  

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  • A line is a line.

        DS born 8-16-2013
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  • A line is a line. Congrats.

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  • i got a pregnant on a cheap walgreen digital at 3 weeks 5 days so go buy a digital no lines to read :)
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  • Yup! Congrats!




    M/c #1 - 10/30/07 - 5w3d, DS1 - born at 36w, M/c#2 - 12/7/09 - 5w, M/c #3 - 1/13/10 - 4w6d, 
    M/c #4 - 3/16/10 - 5w1d, DS2 -  born via VBAC at 40w3d, M/c#5 - 11/5/12 - 7w2d
    BFP #8 - 5/5/13- Looks like a sticky one! DS3 - born via epi-free VBAC at 39w1d

  • Been there done that. You are pregnant. Someone may have already said this but the best time is in the morning. Mine was faint too

  • A line is a line, congrats!!

    Even at 4 days past my missed period, my line was only half as dark as the test line. But as long as its there, you're good!
  • Kay6519Kay6519 member
    A line is a line. Congrats!
  • Yes maam!!! Whether the line is faint or dark you are pregnant!! Congrats :)
  • Congrats!
    I always buy the clearblue digital tests because they not pregnant or pregnant (and show an approximate time of when you conceived).
    No lines to mess with!!

    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks, ladies for the advice!  I took a clearblue test over the weekend and was thrilled when it read "pregnant!"  MissMusic, it is unfortunate that you have to be rude on a board like this.  The instructions did not say anything about a faint line.  In any event, thanks to everyone for the fast feedback.  My husband and I are thrilled!
  • Hi can you help me before I go crazy- I took a first response pregnancy test yesterday, 2 days before my period is due. I swear I see a very, very faint line- and I'm hoping a line is a line and someone else sees it too!
  • Jkb08 said:
    Hi can you help me before I go crazy- I took a first response pregnancy test yesterday, 2 days before my period is due. I swear I see a very, very faint line- and I'm hoping a line is a line and someone else sees it too!

    See above responses. Take that advice to heart. Note dates. You bumped a 7 month old thread.
  • Okay this post may be a little long, but worth reading... Me and my husband decided we wanted another baby. my first pregnancy took a couple month of trying. This time around it took one try. We were excited so I took a pregnancy test a week before I was suppose to get my period (I took it at night). We put it on the table and waited about a minute but nothing showed, so we left it there and ran to the store ect. then went to bed. I got up in the morning and realised I didn't throw it out yet but when I picked it up there was two lines indicating I was pregnant! I immediately ran up stairs to show him. I went out and bought 4 more test, I took then one after another and each came up positive with a very faint line but it took a couple minutes! We went to the doctors the next day and he told us we were pregnant! I was extremely shocked that a positive test (no name brand might I add) picked up on me being pregnant a week before my missed period! Therefor my guess is you are pregnant, congratulations!
  • A line is a line!  Try a digital.  No guessing with those!

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    #1: 2/2009 m/c @ 6wks
    #2: 3/2010 DS born
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    #4: 11/2012 sillborn @ 21wks dx: hypercoil cord
    #5: 6/2013 m/c @ 12wks
    #6: 1/4/2014 m/c @ 7wks
    #7: Here we go again! Please stick baby!

  • Why do zombie threads keep popping up? How do people even find these?

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • This is from May!?  I think she'd know by now if she was preggo!  :)

    Beta #1 - 10dpo = 50

    Beta #2 - 12dpo - 127

    Beta #3 - 24dpo - 15,594!

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  • All signs point to yes! My first ling wasn't even pink. But it was a line that showed up within a minutes or less! A line is a line. You're pregnant, congratulations!

    It's a BOY

  • oh geez, way to be late to the party

    It's a BOY

  • Two days before my missed period, any thoughts?? Is this positive??
  • This content has been removed.
  • Haha i think that might be the most obvious line in a "do you see a line?" post I've EVER seen. Congrats @juicybum313‌ but you may want to get your eyes and reading comprehension skills checked.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • Two days before my missed period, any thoughts?? Is this positive??
    Can't you fucking read?
    BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • "But the instructions didn't say anything about a FAINT line!" The stupidity in this thread is ridiculous. Plus the dates people. If you're incapable of understanding that a line means positive then buy a god damn digital.

  • edited September 2017
    Took a testing this morning and I think I see faint line. What do you guys think
    **Removed by Admin**
  • This is a major zombie thread and it's against TOU to post photos of your pregnancy test outside the "What does a positive pregnancy test look like" thread at the top of the page. Please remove the photo, post it in the thread I mentioned, and let this zombie go back to the grave again.
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  • This thread has been closed. Please do not post pictures of your pregnancy test and ask the Community if you are pregnant. Instead, please visit our 1st Trimester board to discuss early possible pregnancy symptoms and the thread pinned to the top of this board called, “What does a positive pregnancy test really look like?” where members are permitted to display their pregnancy tests.

    Please note that we remove posts that do not follow our guidelines and will issue warnings to users who violate the Terms of Use.

    To review our Community guidelines, please visit The Bump Guidelines pinned at the top of this board. Thank you.

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