

Any moms who have a glass of wine or beer every now qnd long do u wait before pumping or nursing. I asked my pediatrician and she said 'I've never been asked that question in 8 yrs'. I wanted to say bulllshit....I felt to judged. Its hard work nd lonely and we r in thr Midwest while all family Is on east coast for dh work nd a glass of wine is sometimes what we both need at the end of a day.

Re: alcohol

  • I'm with you your pedi is full of it.

    Personally, for one glass I don't really pay attention to the time. If I'm putting away a few glasses of wine or out for a girls night I may wait a few hours.

    If you are really worried, drink it while you nurse. Then that will give you a few hours for it to metabolize.
  • Wine effects me more, even one glass and I feel it. Because wine does that I only have it if I know I can wait the hour to two it takes for me to feel fine. Beer, I have one about once a week, as long as I feel fine I don't pay attention to the clock.
    I haven't had a night out yet, but when I did when I was bfing DS I'd bring the pump, and dump to keep up and relieve the fullness and wait until I felt sober to bf.
    if you want a beer or some wine, as long as you feel fine, go ahead and bf, that's my rule.

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  • I also think if you are safe to drive, you are safe to feed your kid.

    I have been having a dark beer most nights to help my supply. I usually drink it right after nursing.
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  • ObLaDiObLaDi member
    I don't wait at all.

    Say at two drinks my blood alcohol, and therefore milk alcohol, is about 0.05 percent. That's the same as orange juice. I'm cool with that.
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  • When he was tiny, I aimed for two hours after a drink just to be extra cautious. Once he got bigger, I moved towards "okay to drive = okay to nurse."

    And the only breastfeeding women I know who never drink during their breastfeeding days are either people who simply don't ever drink OR people who nursed less than 8 weeks. And I know quite a few breastfeeding women. Don't let your doctor make you feel guilty for an occasional drink.
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  • SebsMumSebsMum member
    Your pedi sounds like a real treat. :/  I asked my midwife on her first visit and her response sounded like she had it memorized from saying it so often! :)  She said the same thing everyone else has said about being okay to drive = being okay to BF and that you should only pump and dump if you're feeling uncomfortably full. 
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  • I call BS on your pedi too. I waited a couple of hours after having a single drink. The best advice I got was to start when you start nursing. The alcohol doesn't have time to get into your supply, and that gives you a little extra time between feedings. I would always have a drink with the last feeding before bed...LO typicall slept longer then, thus giving even more time.
  • imagecourtnif:
    I call BS on your pedi too. I waited a couple of hours after having a single drink. The best advice I got was to start when you start nursing. The alcohol doesn't have time to get into your supply, and that gives you a little extra time between feedings. I would always have a drink with the last feeding before bed...LO typicall slept longer then, thus giving even more time.

    alcohol takes about thirty minutes to get into your system, but sometimes my baby will eat for up to an hour, so bear that in mind.

    if I am having one drink,I wait two hours after drinking it to breastfeed again. Like pp's said, I will feed my baby and put him to bed, then have a glass of wine. By the time LO wakes up for the next feeding, I am good to go. If I have a couple of drinks, I will have my hubs give a bottle at the next feeding and pump. I got the alcohol testing strips to see if my milk is clean or if I should toss it. I only pump to keep my supply up.

    i am pretty careful now because my baby is still TINY, younger than four weeks. I have read that once baby hits three months or so, his body is much better at processing small amounts of alcohol that can be in breast milk. 



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  • I played it safe for the first few weeks and would just have half a drink (a small glass of wine, feed the other half of the beer to DH).

    After DS hit about 6 weeks, I'd have one drink if I felt like it.

    If I wanted more than 1 drink, then I'd worry about timing. Kellymom has good info. If your doctor hasn't been asked, it's because he's not approachable, not because moms don't drink. 

  • When baby was tiny, I did the one drink per hour then wait an extra buffer hour.  So, for one drink, I waited 2 hours afterwards before I nursed. For 2 drinks, I waited 3.  .

    Now I sort of wing it-- if I feel sober I nurse. It is easier now, thoug,h because LO goes longer between feedings so if I drink right after she eats, i automaticlaly have enough time before the next feeding.

    I do try to not have more than 2-3 drinks per week, though. I'd probably be more careful on my timing if I were drinking daily.


  • I can't believe your ped responded like that! Wow.. that's incredibly rude and probably a BS answer.

     I usually would wait a couple hours when my little guy was tiny, but felt more comfortable with the "okay to drive, okay to nurse" rule as he got older.

     If you are concerned, Target (and other stores) have test strips that you stick in your milk that will tell you if the alcohol level of your breastmilk is safe for baby or not. They are like $20 for a pack, but they could help you in the beginning to figure out what your limits or waiting periods would be. 

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