March 2013 Moms

Stressful days

These last two days have been so stressful. Yesterday I went to walmart and LO started screaming. I went and changed him, held him, tried the paci nothing. I walked to the fitting rooms to nurse him and was embarrassed to ask the man attendant. I really need to get bold with that. I found a bench to try and nurse him and he was so hysterical he didn't latch on. I eventually left my cart full of groceries with a walmart employee and walked out the door. It was so stressful.

Then tonight we went out to dinner and he screamed the whole time. I held him outside while my husband ate then we switched so I could eat because we had a friend with us.

Sigh. Sorry just a vent. When I tell people how nervous I get about going out they always tell me I shouldn't be and that it's no big deal but I guess they assume he's a laid back baby. He's just not. Sometimes I can't soothe him for nothing. I thought it'd get a little bit easier each time I took him out...
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Re: Stressful days

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    sefferjsefferj member
    I'm right there with you! My son is pretty laid back but I swear he has a mini meltdown every time I'm out alone. When I go out with the hubby, he's an angel. Of course! We haven't ventured out for dinner yet as that is his usually fussy time. We have had a couple lunches out and he was okay. I totally feel for you though, that sounds like a nightmare. I hope it gets better for you!! 
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    Right there with you!

    DS1 -6/25/11

    DS2 -3/23/13

    Missed MC D&C 8/26/14

    DD - 8/26/15

    LO#4 due 5/30/17

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    AnneleaAnnelea member

    I was just going to post about this! My little guy has screamed everywhere i have taken him for the past 6 weeks, gotten to the point that im afraid to take him out by myself. however i am on my own this week with DH working so i did not have a choice, we ran out of several key items, i managed to keep LO quite to get the most important items today but he still threw a fit i stopped and tried to pay and get out as quickly as i could but we were both crying by the time we got to the car. I have tried using a carrier, he hates it, tried taking him first thing in the morning, nada, tried today after he napped and ate and was in a good mood, nope!  we are minutes from walmart so i have even tried driving further down the road to put him to sleep, did not work. my last resort is to try a town about 25 minutes from us and see if he will go to sleep with a longer ride.  everyone keeps saying he will get better as he gets older, almost to 10weeks and he seems to get worse each week. i just feel trapped in the house right now.

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    You're not alone. That's why I am nervous to go out with LO on my own. She doesn't take a pacifier or even bottles and when in public, even if I find a spot to sit and nurse her she doesn't calm down always. People tell me it gets easier...I see my friends on FB with multiple kids who are out and about all the time and I wonder how do they do it. I'm coming to terms that I just have a more challenging newborn...
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    lkm2006lkm2006 member
    I'm here to say it really really does get better!

    My first was extremely horrible in the car. I could not take him anywhere by myself for oh, probably the first 6 to 7 months by myself. If we were in the car, someone had to sit in the back with him because he would get so worked up crying. I saw moms in the grocery and would get jealous of how easy it seemed to take their baby out, and here I was having to get my mom to watch him even if I just had to go to the post office.

    I guess it comes with age and maybe getting used to getting out and about, but it truly is so easy now. I actually love getting to do errands with him. Just have to watch him in the toy section at wal mart now.. He wants everything!

    Also, good news is I think second babies are easier by nature! They have to learn to go with the flow from the very start so I don't think they are quite as high matience.


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