March 2013 Moms

Gymboree Classes

Some of you may know this but Gymboree play and Learn classes are so great! I found out about them through a kid I used to babysit I took him to these classes he was 2 years old and loved them, well they have an Infant class too! 0 to 6 months then they move up to another class etc.

I had been to a toddle class before but today I took my 2 month old to the infant class and she loved it! We sing songs and play music and look into mirrors and bubble and kick their feet. She was totally in love with all the bright colors and looking at the other babies and I enjoyed the company of other moms.

Look for a Gymboree Play Learn in your area you can try it out for free first. And they give you Gymbucks to use at Gymboree the store!

Just thought Id share. My LO had a great time and so did I!

Re: Gymboree Classes

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    When I was little Gymboree was just beginning. We did not have them in the South so my Grandfather in CA sent my brother and I all the vhs tapes available. I still have them...just no player! I just had to share.
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    Thanks for your post.  I saw the free class and wanted to go but worried that my baby was too little. I'll call & give it a go.  Sounds really fun!


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    We love Gymboree. :) DD has been going for 2 years (she's now in school skills which is a nice alternative to PT preschool) and we'll start with DS in a few months.
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