March 2013 Moms

Crib naps?

How many of you put LO for naps in the crib? My DS sleeps in his crib at night but will not nap in there. He can nap for hrs on myself, DH, his swing, even on his play mat in the living room. But if I put him in his crib for a nap, he's up in 5 minutes screaming. Any suggestions? Where does your LO nap?
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Re: Crib naps?

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    It depends. She sleeps in her RNP at night. If I'm trying to get her to nap she will only do so on me or me holding her. Other people can get her in her RNP but mostly on her boppy in the pack n play
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    My LO will fall asleep in her swing to nap, but I'll move her to her crib so I can get stuff done since in makes me nervous to leave her in her swing...even though I know she can't go anywhere in it. She sleeps in her PNP at night, but more for me than for her now.

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    My LO naps and goes to sleep at night in his bassinet. The only difference is during the day I put the bassinet in his room and at night he sleeps in my room.
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    lkm2006lkm2006 member
    Do you have my child?

    No, seriously.. He will sleep all night in his crib, usually 8 to 6 straight without waking up but doesn't nap in their.

    He usually makes it anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes before waking up. I'm just trying to be consistent and lay him down every day and I have notices it is getting longer. This weekend he slept a whole hour in the crib!

    I'm really not overly concerned because once their naps become more scheduled it should be easier. At this age, it's still a whole lot of napping all throughout the day.


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