March 2013 Moms

i still look 6 months pg...

I have massive baby belly and no weight loss literally zero besides her 10 since her birth march 1st. not bouncing back even a little, and i gained 40 lb exactly. any ideas on a jump start? not bfing doesn't help!
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: i still look 6 months pg...

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    dawnj08dawnj08 member
    I feel your frustration. I gained 32 and only have lost 11 lbs at 7 weeks PP. I've been eating good and exercising and still no clothes fit and I'm so depressed about it. I don't want to buy new clothes because I'm hoping my pre preggo clothes will fit soon! I just joined weight watchers last week. Here's hoping!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm right there with you...haven't lost anything after the initial two weeks, have been eating well and working out, and I still have 30 lbs to lose! I've started trying to get at least two workouts in during DD's naps, but then I feel like nothing else is getting done. I go back to work parttime in a week and a half, so I finally broke down and bought new pants...

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    BabyFruit Ticker


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    Right there with you! I gained 36 lbs and lost 20 right away. 7 weeks pp and not a pound since despite exercising and eating better and less. Whoever said bfing drops the pounds is full of crap because I bf and pump and still have my 16 lbs to lose! Ugh
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I was begining to think something was wrong with me bc this is me exactly and everyone around me who had babies also lost their weight with no problem. I was using a calorie app but now I think I might do weight watchers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Pregnancy Ticker
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    Hi ladies, I've said this on a different post earlier this week.

    I've been doing the 30 day crunch and squat challenge and it has been working! Do a lot of walking and be sure not to eat after like 7pm. Also, you can get clif bars its like a meal substitute and has been working great! I've gone days where I ate only once a day because I had no time but now with working out 20mins a day and grabbing a clif bar in between I'm at least getting some nutrition. I'm already down almost 40lbs and 2 pant sizes at 7wks pp. Good luck :
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Make sure you are eating enough. If you don't have enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and holds everything. I find I go into this issue especially with breastfeeding...I am not a good eater naturally and when I eat better I lose more. Had two ice cream sandwiches and lost two pounds after weeks of plateau...go figure.
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