March 2013 Moms


I wanted to see if you ladies had any suggestions for me.

I started back at work today and I thankfully can take my little man. I'm a secretary at a church so it's really laid back. My husband is also the youth pastor so his office is directly next to me! I'm incredibly thankful but it was kind of difficult to get things done today. I brought a swing and that kept him occupied for 20 minutes.

Do you have any suggestions to keep him occupied? At home I'll carry him around, do laundry and that sort of thing, but with office and computer work it's obviously much different. Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or certain toys as a suggestion. Thanks!
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Re: Suggestions

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    Are you able to wear him in a Moby or K'tan?  Then at least your hands would be free. 
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    Are you able to wear him in a Moby or K'tan? nbsp;Then at least your hands would be free.nbsp;

    I have a wrap but he doesn't like the cradle hold which I think is the only one I can do without holding his head. He's so wiggly though so I'm not sure if that's the case. Maybe if I try it there he'll like it better.
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    I've taken lo to the office a couple times last week and today. My boss said that was okay since our day care doesn't take babies until they are eight weeks. But I don't know how much help I can be ... lo just chills in her car seat and I rock it with my foot. I took her out to nurse and change her and a couple times when she was fussy, but she's really done great.


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    kgrobotkgrobot member
    You might want to try a different carrier. For some reason my son gets very annoyed with the Moby, but really enjoys the Baby Bjorne and often falls asleep in it. He likes being upright - has since we brought him home - and the Bjorne supports his head so that I am totally hands free. I just put it on and wear him around the house in it. 
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