Please don't judge us too bad!
Our son will only drink his bottle 1. on his own 2. laying down in his crib. he typically drinks it and throws it aside when he is finished. we have tried letting him have it before bed - but since he was about 5 months old and able to hold his own bottle - he wanted to be alone and not held. which is sad... i can't cuddle with him - mr. independent.
so my question is -- how do i get him off the bottle... i let him have them for naps and bedtime. i am going to try to cut the nap ones and keep the bed time ones. i am going to try sippy cups with milk for during the day and hopefully it will transition the night one to a sippy cup out of bed - brush teeth and then bed.
the only thing is - if he will not drink his milk in sippy - he can not have other dairy bc he has cow's milk protein intolerance and is on Neocate.
his teeth that came in have little yellow spots (he got 2 different IV antibiotics every 8hrs for 48hours right after birth and he's had fevers) i just don't want his teeth to rot. the top ones coming down now do not look that great (although i can't see that well bc he won't let me look!)
any advice is appreciated. thanks!
Re: bottle weaning 10months
lurker, but I had this issue...well sort of. DD1 was never allowed bottles in bed or naptime because of the bacteria issues associated with falling asleep w/ BM or formula in their mouth. Then, I went away for a week on a trip, and came back to DH giving her bottles at both nap and bed time.
I tried being nice to get rid of it, like wean her off, but that really didn't work. I just quit it cold turkey, and there was probably a week of fits and tears, but she never asked for it again. The longer you let it go on, the harder it gets to get rid of it. If anything, offer a little water maybe? But it's good to teach them from early on no liquids in bed so you don't have to fight it when they are older.
Sometimes, you just have to deal with the tantrums when it comes to health, and I have been through so many of them, but it's not too bad.
Hope any of that helps
I have a question along the same line. I'm trying to wean my 10 month old off of his bottles. I keep reading that you should give water but I don't know when to give him the water. Before he gets his formula? After? At meal time? Any suggestions???