Cloth Diapering

I am confused. Re: Tide original powder

I feel like a lot of people use this and have great success.  Yet, on all the CD safe soap lists it's not listed high at all?  So what gives?  

I had some ammonia issues and I'm about to try RLR treatment.  Just wondering if I should switch from Rockin Green to Tide. 

FWIW, I use BG Elementals.   


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Re: I am confused. Re: Tide original powder

  • I think it might depend on your water and your washing machine.  The very worst that will happen is that you might need to strip your diapers.  Not the end of the world.

    It didn't work for us because DD was allergic.  We tried it when she was really young and again a couple of months ago with the same result.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I love Tide for washing diapers as well as the rest of my laundry.
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  • I think maybe a lot of people use it because its cheap, convienent (you can buy it almost anywhere), it won't ruin your diapers (like the pp said, you may end up with build up and needing to strip), and you can use it for your regular clothes too, so no need for different detergents.  All those are why I use it.
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  • It's not "safe" because it contains every no-no ingredient. Enzymes, scent, optical brighteners, etc.

    The thing is... those things make it work. It can also cause a skin reaction in some kids. The enzymes and the scent, especially. 

    Personally, the "safe" things have mostly failed. Rockin Green, soap nuts, EFF homemade recipe all gave me issues. 

  • We've used several "good" brands, and also Tide.  I feel like honestly, even though it's not recommended... it really cleans well.  However, after awhile we did get an ammonia build up.  The diapers came out okay with a severe stripping.
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

  • Tide is all I've ever used on my CDs.  I've never had any issues, it works great.
  • MAK06MAK06 member
    Makes more sense now!  Thanks ladies!


    IVF #1 = BFP!! So blessed to have our baby boy! IVF #2 = Convert to frozen - 1 frostie! IVF #3 = Convert to frozen - 1 frostie! FET #1 = 8/14, Two transferred, One stuck! Praying for another healthy miracle! Due: 5/2/13 imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • It seems to depend on the problem. Our LO is sensitive to it (and DH is too) we used it on vacation when we couldn't find anything else and had to do a ton of rinses to get the scent out. We have good water and a top loader so everything we've tried has cleaned well (rockin green, laundry tarts and Nellies). We use Nellies on everything now because its easier to find and cheaper.
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