can you recommend your waterproof diaper covers? We use extended Tab prefolds at night time. my mum made her a PUL diaper cover with Velcro closure. The problem is the elastic in the legs and around the waist now leave huge red marks. One left a mark that is still on her leg a week later. My mum was going to make her another one and try not pulling the elastic so tight. But I Was wondering if there were any good cheap ones out there. I read about fleece but am unsure. The diapers I have are made out of all natural material, no polyester.
BFP #1 05/03/12 DD: 12/18/12
BFP #2 05/26/14 MMC: 6/26/14 D&C: 7/18/14
BFP #3 10/09/14 MC 10/24/14
Re: Diaper covers
Well, PUL is not an "all natural material" any more than fleece is.
I used Thirsties Duos and Bummis Super Whisper Wraps, and both were fine for us.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Oh I know. I should have better explained. I was reading online and read something about not using fleece against natural diapers or something. It was this from babycentre
If you want to use fleece as a hidden layer, you absolutely must use a 100% polyester fabric on the outside. If you try to use fleece as a hidden layer under any natural fibers, the outer layer will draw the moisture out and it'll get damp. Because of this, you also can't really put clothes on over a fleece diaper - which is why a lot of people opt to make fleece pants and skirties.
That was why I wasn't sure about fleece.
BFP #1 05/03/12 DD: 12/18/12
BFP #2 05/26/14 MMC: 6/26/14 D&C: 7/18/14
BFP #3 10/09/14 MC 10/24/14
I use Thirsties Duo Wraps with snaps and I love them. I got 4 of them in size 1 for DD's smaller stage and the rise has helped so much with her growth. Also, the double leg gusset proved to be helpful with DD's monster poops.
I also use Econobum snap covers (one size, the plain white ones that came with the prefolds) and they are wonderful! They don't leave red marks on her legs, but, then again, DD doesn't have chunky legs. I have 9 covers.
They were all fairly cheap (Thirsties: ~$12 each, Econobum: $8.95) and they have been perfect for the 10 weeks we have been using them.