Question on meds. I take my progesterone shot at 7:30. I am going to on a flight landing around 8 and the hotel is about 30 minutes away. I REALLY don't want to do on flight or at airport. Is it a big deal to be an hour or a little over an hour off just once?
Eta: flight delayed assume ill be at hotel at 9ish
Me: 37 DH: 37 TTC since Jan 2012. RE consult and initial testing done in Aug 2012: SA fine, AMH 1.1 & HSG clear - on way to IUI but got BFP on 9/10/2012. m/c 10/3/2012 at 6w5d. BFP next cycle which was a c/p. IUI #1: Clomid 100mg 12/6= BFN. IUI#2 (unmedicated) Jan 2013 = BFN. Hysteroscopy 1/25/13. IUI#3 Clomid 100mg 2/23 = BFN IUI# 4: BFN. IVF #1 April 2013, BFP! EDD 1/12/14 with Boy!
Re: Late injections
My RE told me an hour or so either way was fine. I was flying from the east coast to the west coast for transfer and then back again after bed rest, so I had to deal with the time zone thing as well. Like you, I really wanted to avoid having to do it in flight or at the airport. Coming home I definitely took it about two hours later than the night before. I just tried to stay on schedule after that.
TTC #1
Me 42, DH 47
IVF/ICSI #2 = BFP; early loss
IVF/ICSI #3 (DE) = BFP; early loss
Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251.
1st U/S @ 6w2d showed one perfect little heartbeat!
2nd U/S @ 7w2d. HB 132 & everything measuring on track.
Our beautiful little girl arrived January 2015!
Me-39, HSG 2/13- clear. DS-IUI #1-3/13,300iu Menopur 12 days,3 days Cetrotide, Ovidrel Trigger-BFN. IUI #2 06/13, BFP EDD: 02/22/14 m/c (cp), IUI #3- BFP EDD: 5/17/14 m/c 09/13. Blood work/RPL panel- nk cell/MTHFR mutation- negative. Blood work all good. Unexplained reason for m/c. IUI #4 BFP m/c (cp) 10/13. IUI #5- 12/13 Cancelled. No response. (1)follicle. IUI #5.1- 2/14. IVF Bound
********************SAIF/ PAIF/ ALL ARE WELCOME***********************
Hey Lenox,
Hope your flight was good and that your shot time schedule went ok...
Take care of yourself and look forward to hearing great news on Beta#1.