i have a 17-month-old and 3-week-old and so far the ergo has been a lifesaver. my new son falls asleep really easily and seems to enjoy it, and it frees me up to help out my other son, play with him, make lunch, etc.
however, in the instruction manual it states that there should be at least some width between your chest and the baby's chin, but today he nestled up next to me and was leaning his head on my chest. did this happen with anyone else who uses the ergo? technically there was space beneath his chin, but just want to make sure i'm not holding him incorrectly, because his chin was also touching my chest. thanks!
ps i know i could be overthinking this, but my first son HATED the ergo and never wanted to be carried in it, so i'm a total n00b
Re: ergo users - question
I know I want to invest in the ergo, basically for all the same reasons you stated, but I thought it only worked with older babies? Do you have the newborn insert or is it not necessary?
I have the k tan now but I am horrible at getting it figured out. I need something easy!
def need the newborn insert, that's what i use right now. i tried the k'tan with my first son since he hated the ergo, but he also hated the k'tan (although i'm pretty sure i needed the next size up). i was able to put him in the bjorn facing out a few times, but then i read a bunch of posts about how bad it can be for their hips plus it was killer on my back, so i ditched it.
it's insane to see how well LO2 takes to the ergo. i've put him in a bunch after he's starting to fuss and it's calmed him all but one time. hoping things stay like this -- makes it way more manageable.
thanks, really great to know!
I have an ergo (sorry to steal from the OP). I got it the last week of February, so DS was about 4.5 months old. He sort of likes it; he fell asleep in it the first time, and he usually falls asleep in it now...I'm not sure if that is necessarily a positive or not though. I didn't get the insert because DS already had great head support and was almost sitting up by himself by then...
I also had a Moby (which is one step more than the K'tan, or so I've heard), and I hated it, but a lot of moms loved it. I think I like the buckling carriers better than wraps, but everyone likes different things.
I have a newborn insert but didn't like using it. I just settled DS in as a brandnew LO with his legs in the frog position and he was comfy and great. I personally found the insert to be big and bulky and made it harder for me to see over the Ergo to get things done.