February 2012 Moms

Socks with sandals

Obviously It's a fashion crime if you're an adult but what about toddlers? The toddler sandals look like they would rub your feet without socks on, but I do not want to commit a fashion faux par.

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Re: Socks with sandals

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    I wouldn't do it just because to me the point of sandals is so their feet aren't hot, socks would defeat the purpose.  I've been hunting for sandals that look comfy and are supportive.  If I can't find any she will just be wearing her keds wi

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    No!  Don't do it! =)  Cooper wears a pair of Stride Rite sandals and has no raw marks, rubbing, etc. but I was concerned before we tried them.  The girls wore the basic Target white sandals from the time they fit into them (DD2 was

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    Thanks guys I think we are going to do the no sock thing then.

    Emma thanks you, for without your help I would have had her wearing pretty white girly sandals with black knee highs lol
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    No socks I think they make the shoes tighter and likely very difficult to walk in. I noticed that since they don't have a full back (there's just a strap behind the heel) that my son has trouble figuring out his balance. If he distributes his weight p
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    No socks for us! I got him some leather sandals at Stride Rite and they seem not too uncomfortable.



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