Since the babies were born, they have had a ton of similarities and I'm starting to think it's odd, but maybe it's a twin thing. They weight exactly the same at birth (1 lb 13 oz) and are still the same weight (2 lb 10 oz), they were the same length and are still the same length, both on the same amount of oxygen (2 liters, 21%), their isolettes are the same temperature and it's very common for their heartbeat and oxygen saturation to be the same. I find this all to be very odd. Obviously, they aren't identical because they're boy/girl, so it can't be that.
Did you notice these similarities from the start? I'm looking forward to watching them interact when they're a bit older and seeing if they have "twin things."
Re: Do your kids have that twin (or triplet/quad) thing?
My fraternal boys were 1oz apart. At their first pedi appt they were still one oz apart and baby A caught up to Baby B in length. They make the same sounds and grunts. Their hbs were always in synch while pg. they wake, sleep, and eat at the same time.
My b/g twins seem to be as different as night and day. DD is a night owl and would love to stay up late and sleep all morning if we let her. On the other hand, DS is an early bird. He has to be in bed by 8:30 or he is a monster a
Me: PCOS, DH: normal
Started seeing RE 11/10/2011
8/31/2012 = BFP!!
First Ultrasound... TRIPLETS! EDD 5/11/13
Baby w/ no HB @ 10w4d - We love you angel baby.
Baby A & B doing great. A/S 12/10/12 - Healthy BOYS!
Sawyer & Silas born at 33+6 on 3/29/13