March 2013 Moms

Exclusively Pumping/Bottlefeeding, anyone?

So LO is now 2.5 weeks old and as of this past Saturday, my husband and I made the decision to start pumping and bottlefeeding.  I was in so much pain from breastfeeding (even after seeing a lactation consultant), that I was literally putting off feeding my baby!  Now when I say that, I don't mean by a lot, but when he would get fussy and hungry, I'd ask my mom and hubby to please take him, change him, walk around with him for a few minutes - anything to give me a few more minutes to prepare myself (mentally).  My hands (AND FEET) would sweat and my whole body would tense up in preparation for the awfulness of breastfeeding.  Part of the pain was my own doing, I wasn't switching holds when I was feeding him so he really tore apart both nipples.  I just wasn't enjoying my time with him and whenever he started to get fussy, my whole body would just shut down and I was feeling so depressed.  Saturday rolled around and I talked to my hubby about pumping and bottlefeeding.  We both decided that we were deadset on giving DS my breastmilk, but we weren't deadset on where it came from.  Since I've started doing it, I actually enjoy the time I spend with my LO and I'm so much happier.  My concerns now are keeping up with his schedule, but I try to pump every 2 hours and I am usually about 1-2 feedings ahead of him.

Anyone else eping and/or have thoughts about this.  I'm hoping to continue to do this.  My hubby's only concern is that if I want to go back to breastfeeding, DS may not latch properly and I'll be upset that I can't breastfeed - but I just don't see that happening.  It was such an awful experience for me and I felt guilty NOT doing it - but ultimately, pumping and giving him the bottle has been the best decision :-)

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Exclusively Pumping/Bottlefeeding, anyone?

  • I EPed for 10 months with DS#1. I had a huge freezer stash that got him to his first bday. In the beginning I pumped every 3 hrs around the clock. It build up a good supply. I did this for the first few months. Then I slowly started backing off, paying cl
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  • We went this route when LO was 1 week old. Others get to feed him which is nice for DH and other family members. I have about 100 oz saved up thus far. I go back to work in less than 2 weeks and both of us should adjust better (hopefully). I try to pump e
    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • We originally decided to pump and bottle feed. However DD only sleeps on my wrap or in my arms so...finding time to pump was hard an it made a scheduling hard.

    So I decided to try BFing againand her latch was 10x better and didn't hurt at al
    BabyFetus Ticker Little Riley-our first little girl coming March 1st, 2013 (or sometime around there;)
  • I could have wrote this myself....I felt the exact same way and that's what led me to EP. I pump every 3 hours with a longer stretch at night. EP has been the best decision for us. It allows my husband to help with feedings and LO is still getting breastm
  • My nipples hurt like hell for the first couple of weeks. It gets better!! My dr. gave me a script for "triple nipple cream" and I had to get it from a pharmacy that does compound formulas. It helped my nipples heal as they were bleeding! With that

  • My son and I had a lot of problems breast feeding at first and I started EPing at week 2. I was so sore frustrated and upset with myself that this was the best choice for both of us. He is now 5 weeks old and we just started breast feeding again. He never
  • I have been EPing since my milk came in, the breasts became engorged, and LO refused to eat for 14 hours because he could not latch. Even an outpatient lactation consultant meeting did not help to get him to latch and she sent us home with instructions

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My son had to have open heart surgery at 5 days old.  Now, he still has to grow really fast in order to be ready for his next surgery.  Breastfeeding all the time was not an option for us.  I can give him breastmilk, but I have to fortif

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