Babies: 6 - 9 Months


Not sure where to post this question but I figured here since I have a 6 month old. Maybe someome can help me or direct me to where the best place is to ask this....Kind of long,  sorry...


Little history on me first. I had Mirena put in after my first in 2007 had it in for 4 years until i decided for another baby and took it out and got prengnant. Never had any scares while it was in and never used any aditional protection... I said I have a 6 month old. He was born in Oct and I had Mirena IUD put in in the begining of Dec. I never went to my 10 week follow-up appt with my OB to check if the IUD had moved ot whatever because I have been so busy with the baby, my oldest child and with work. For all I know it could have moved, fallen out etc.. (but I havent had any symtpoms that it has so i doubt it but idk) I have had regular periods all along, no cramping but have been pretty heavy to normal flow and I have had them every month. My husband and I havent really been sexually active, just have been so busy and tired all the time never seemed to have the time for sex...Well we did on 4/5/13 and didnt use any sort of protection. Afterwards I checked on an ovulation calendar and it said i was ovulating around that time...Now I am wicked scared that I might be pregnant simply because i know I never had the Mirena checked when I was suppose to. I have an appt with my OB tomorrow to have it checked even though I am very late for the follow up I just need some sort of peace of mind. I am hoping it did not move out of place or fall out.. Has anyone had any type of similar situation?

Thank you for your time ladies.

Re: Scared

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    I think the incidents of it falling out or other problems are really rare, I'm sure you're fine.  It's always good to get the check up with your doctor for your peace of mind, but like I said, my guess is that it's fine. 

    I had the Mir

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    I think the incidents of it falling out or other problems are really rare, I'm sure you're fine.  It's

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    You know you can check for the strings yourself, right? I check mine every month. Just wash your hands, put a few fingers up there, and feel for the strings. It is really easy.
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    It sounds like you're making yourself scared... You have no reason to believe it's failed. You missed a check up, but that doesn't make it any more likely to have failed. 

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    I am sure it is fine. Dont stress yourseld out about it. If your not feeling different or have symptoms of pregnancy then I'm sure your not.

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    I had a paragard put in a few months ago and when I went for my follow up check up it had fallen out! I had no idea.  DH did keep complaining that he felt something but I thought he was being overly dramatic. I say this not to scare you, but to re

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