
Baby with stomach bug?

Has anyone had their LO get the stomach bug?  We've been pretty lucky, this is DS #2's first time being sick and he's 10 months old.  

He was around a sick child this past weekend on Easter, and Tuesday he couldn't keep anything at all down.  I called the pedi. and he it is going around. So, we started him on pedialyte and he seemed to be feeling better yesterday morning.  He didn't have much of an appetite yesterday, and whenever he ate he would have pretty nasty diapers, but I figured this was just part of it and the virus was working its way out. Well, it has continued today..still runny diapers and no appetite.

For those of you who have dealt with this, does this sound normal?  

Thanks so much for your help! 

Re: Baby with stomach bug?

  • The nasty diapers can last quite awhile. At least 7 days. As long as he is acting okay and drinking fluids, I wouldn't worry.
  • I hope your LO feels better! DD is 3 and has only had it once thank Gawd! I'm hoping she continues to dodge the bullet. Hope your LO is on the mend soon!
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  • Thanks, ladies! He seems to be feeling better, and has had wet diapers so hopefully it should pass soon. This is so yucky! 
  • Yup, DS's nasty diapers and virtually no appetite stick around for sometimes up to a week. Just keep an eye on him to make sure he stays well hydrated.



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

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