Dads & Dads-to-be

Did you guys lose a dad?

We have an "angry husband" over on S12, so I was wondering if you guys lost him...  =)  I wish my husband would get on TB and talk with you guys!
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Re: Did you guys lose a dad?

  • He's over on TTC too. 

       Me: IR-PCOS, elevated DHEAs, low progesterone, weak ovulation  DH: low volume, low T
    SHG 5/10/13: both tubes blocked; HSG 6/28 = Left tube cleared! Right blocked.
    BFP#1 7/20/13 EDD 3/30/14, m/c 8/19/13, D&E 8/21/13, Chromosomal results = normal, female
    Lap & hysteroscopy scheduled for 10/31, right tube cleared, no endo found! ...Happy Halloween!
    Cycle 14: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP! EDD 9/16/14~ Rowan Elizabeth born sleeping at 17w4d on 4/12/14 due to IC.
    ~There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world~
    New RE June 2014. RPL b/w - negative. SIS looking for uterine/cervical abnormalities & Asherman's 6/10/14 - ALL CLEAR!  
    Cycle 16: Natural IUI = CP, Cycle 17: Femara (2.5) + IUI = BFN, Cycle 18 Femara (5) + IUI = BFFN, Cycle 19: Break
    Cycle 20: Clomid (50)+ IUI = BFP EDD 6/20, transvaginal cerclage 12/19, Carson Quinn born sleeping at 16w3d on 1/6/15 due to IC
    Phone consult with Dr. Haney (Univ of Chicago) for transabdominal cercalge scheduled for 2/9/15.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
    image image imageimage 
  • He's not ours, at least not that screen name.
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  • The name "Angry Husband" suggests AE to me.

    The fact the first thing "he" did was start his own thread reaffirms that.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Not that I know of, most of the guys that post here aren't angry husbands.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imagepolooo26:


  • No way that was a dude.  Just another girl with her feelings hurt from the pack..

    Could have been a fun trainwreck to watch, but she was shy.


  • And this was the line that proved it was a bitter chick:


    "I'm tired of having to finish inside. I'm tired of paying for tests.  I'm tired of the waiting and whining."



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