How many of you make your bed before leaving to go to work? I know this is an out of the blue question.. lol.. I was running late this AM and didn't have time to make up our bed.. So I just thought to ask if anyone does it on a normal occasion!
Yeah, our bed only gets made when we change the sheets. Sometimes i may through the comforter back over the pillows to make it look made but that's very few and far between.
Our bed usually stays unmade. I'll make it up when I've changed the sheets or when I get our room looking super clean and want the bed to match, but other than that, it's not made in the mornings. Like other ladies have said, I have better things to do with my time.
TLL, no it is not terrible, that is the only time mine get made too! Sometimes I pull the sheets up so that cat doesn't lay in the sheets all day long, but not always.
I make it every morning unless DH is home from work and then it does not get made. To be honest I kind of drive myself crazy because I have to make it even when I am running late. And it takes even longer because my cats like to "help" make the bed!
Our bed never gets made unless there is company coming over. We don't use a comforter because we fight over blankets at night if we have to share them, so it makes it hard to make the bed when there is nothing to make it with.
Bed only gets made when I'm either cleaning or if the bed is a complete wreck (DH doesn't like to sleep with the shee and at some point I end up with a King size sheet wrapped around me b/c he pushes it ALL onto my side)
I used to make our bed every morning...but that has stopped since I became pregnant and tend to sleep in another bed most nights....I'm not making 2 beds in the morning! lol
Honestly we are both pretty controlled sleepers (ie the sheets dont get destroyed) so all I do is pull up the comforter and straighten the pillows every morning. Takes 30 seconds and then I can pile my clothes on it
Only when I change the sheets or if someone's coming over. And I can't tell you how relieved I am to not be in the minority here. I always feel like such a housekeeping slacker!
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DH usually makes the bed. he is kind of OCD about it... fine with me!
Mh is still in it when I leave so no I can't make it but he usually does.
Since we found out we're pg I only make my bed in the weekend. I run late very AM to work and have to drive 45 mins. to get to there.
Unless if throwing the covers towards the top of the bed counts, then it doesn't get made until I clean.
I make my bed every day. I think it is out of habit.