Hi! I don't think I've ever posted on this board, but have a question that I think you ladies could possibly help with. I also posted this on the BFing board, but most people suggested crying methods. My 2 year old DS and I are still nursing, and are happy with our daytime nursing relationship. I'd like advice on night weaning.
My 2 year old STTN about 50% of the time, and wakes once at night the other half of the time. When he wakes at night, he wants to nurse, fall asleep at the breast and be put back in his crib asleep (we don't bedshare).
I don't want to use CIO methods for a few reasons. For one, I'm not entirely comfortable with it, even at his age, and beyond that I simply don't think it would work for him. His crying tends to escalate and get him worked up rather than the other way around.
If anyone has experience night weaning their toddler, or advice on methods I might look into, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!
BFP#2: EDD 2/11/14, MMC confirmed 7/15/13 (growth stopped at 6 weeks), D&C @ 12 weeks 7/25/13
Re: XP: Night Weaning a Toddler (2 year old)
I night weaned DS1 at 9 months, but what we did was rock him with a binky instead.
"Good Night, Sleep Tight" by Kim West has some gentle sleep strategies.
I lay by DS2 when he's going to sleep, so my method of night weaning is probably not much help. I guess I would try to get him to fall asleep in your lap without nursing fir
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I night weaned about at about 23 months. At that point my son only nursed to sleep all the time. Could not fall asleep on his own. He is not in a crib, and I just layed with him until he fell asleep. It was easier than I thought. He cried and I comfort
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BFP#2: EDD 2/11/14, MMC confirmed 7/15/13 (growth stopped at 6 weeks), D&C @ 12 weeks 7/25/13