I have a really odd question, lol ...
morning I poas'd on a whim. I'm BFing my almost 6 month old son, but we
dont really prevent since it took us so long and so much help to
conceive him. Anyways, there was a faint positive. So we thought maybe
we got an Easter miracle.
However, I started taking my placenta
pills on Tuesday to try and battle some PP blues I was dealing with. Ive
taken 1 a day since. A friend of mine asked me if it would cause a BFP
on a test if I poured the contents in a glass of water and dipped a
stick in that. I did, and well BFP. So my question is, anyone know if
the urine BFP was from the placenta? Or could we indeed be pregnant
.Became a mama to my sweet little boy after 3 years of waiting and praying in October '12. 
Miscarried twins from our first IUI cycle. D&C on August 14th, 2014
Second IUI cycle: BFP
Beta #1 (13dpiui): 74 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 505 Beta #3 (18dpiui): 1205
First Ultrasound- 6w2d 110BPM! Our baby has a heartbeat!!
Re: Any placenta pros here?
I don't know the answer to your question, but could you ask the person who made your placenta pills for you?
Otherwise, I guess a blood test will give you a clear answer.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
I still have my placenta capsules. I could take a few days worth and POAS and see what happens. I know I'm not pregnant.
ETA I was slightly joking, but now I am kind of intrigued. However, I don't think it could make you produce HCG in your urine
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