High-Risk Pregnancy

Quadruple Whammy (An introduction.)

Well, I knew I was high-risk from the beginning of my last pregnancy, which we sadly lost at 12 weeks. I started seeing an MFM at seven weeks with her, and the same this go-round too ... I'm now 29 weeks tomorrow.

I'm 36, so AMA. I have high-blood pressure. I'm obese. And now, I have gestational diabetes. I passed my three-hour earlier in the pregnancy, but did fail it when done again last week. I meet with the diabetes educator next Tuesday, and for now am just trying to watch everything I put in my mouth. (Less carbohydrates, more protein for sure.) My one pregnancy craving had been Coke, so that's been kicked to the curb. I'm not looking forward to pricking my fingers, but will obviously do anything and everything I can to keep my son healthy.

I'm already getting growth scans because of my blood pressure, so we'll be seeing him again next Friday. I'm anxious to see how much he's grown, and if the GD has affected him already. I don't think my numbers were high enough to warrant insulin, so I'm hoping just a few diet changes will do the trick to keep my sugar levels in check.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice as I await my appointment next Tuesday. Should I go ahead and get a monitor and start checking my blood sugar, or wait until I see her? What are some food no-no's that you've found?

I'm very thankful to have this board to turn to, so thanks in advance.

photo AlbumsWideColorBump_zps1797df63.jpg

We lost our first (EDD 07/23/12) after finding out at 12 weeks there was no longer a heartbeat. Our rainbow was born 05/22/13 and was worth all we went through.

“So can you understand? Why I want a daughter while I’m still young? I wanna hold her hand and show her some beauty before all this damage is done. But if it’s too much to ask, it’s too much to ask … Then send me a son.” – Arcade Fire

Re: Quadruple Whammy (An introduction.)

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    I had GD twice. It's no picnic, but very do able, even if you do end up on insulin (which I did). I would wait on the monitor because there's a decent chance your insurance will cover it, but may require a certain model/brand. Wait and see if you can g

    Mama to two sweet girls
    DD1 Feb 2010
    DD2 Sept 2011

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I had GD twice. It's no picnic, but very do able, even if you do end up on insulin (which I did). I would wait on th

    photo AlbumsWideColorBump_zps1797df63.jpg

    We lost our first (EDD 07/23/12) after finding out at 12 weeks there was no longer a heartbeat. Our rainbow was born 05/22/13 and was worth all we went through.

    “So can you understand? Why I want a daughter while I’m still young? I wanna hold her hand and show her some beauty before all this damage is done. But if it’s too much to ask, it’s too much to ask … Then send me a son.” – Arcade Fire
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