Cloth Diapering

First purchase!

I just got back from my local natural/baby store and made my first diapering purchases:

12 Clotheez pre folds, newborn size
3 Rumparooz NB covers
1 Bumkins NB cover
1 Thirsties sz 1 cover
1 bag of Rockin' Green detergent

Spent about 100. Still have ways to go, but very excited! : Hoping to receive larger sizes at my shower... We'll see!
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: First purchase!

  • Very exciting!!  I just made my first purchase last Friday.  I ended up going with a couple of 3/pk newborn Charlie Bananas.  I'm looking forward to getting some different types of CDs.  I think I am going with Newborn Simplex in my ne
    Began TTC #1 in January 2011
    Confirmation and Removal of Endo - March 2012
    +#1 on 4/1/12 - m/c @ ~8w 5d
    +#2 Tx cycle 4 - 5 mg Letrozole + 75iu Follsitim & Ovidrel w/ IUI on 11/13/12 - EDD 7/23/13 
    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
    Elective sex determination u/s on 2/8 revealed... boy AND girl!
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