I posted this on my Birth Month Board and was recommended to reroute this over here. We are going to start homeschooling DD this year. Any starting suggestions? We are thinking about doing a year-round schooling calendar (because there are several points durring the upcoming year when I would otherwise have to take DD out of school for travel).
I am going to be attending the Midwest Homeschooling Convention in Cincinnatti in April, anyone have recommendations? Does anyone know if there will be a used curriculum/manipulatives fair?
I was homeschooled myself, so I have a lot of experience with homeschooling. I am also a teacher, so I feel like I have half a foot in the door already. I am just concerned with motivation and frustration. My daughter seems to excell at pushing buttons right now-- she is still adjusting to having a new baby brother. (Daughter is 6 and Son is 4 weeks today). Any suggestions or recommendations would be fabulous!
Thank you!
Re: Homeschooling
I totally understand the pushing the buttons. My seven yr old is the same way. You just have to step back and take a break when needed.