Cloth Diapering

Where to buy CDs

I have an almost 8 month old and we recently made the decision to start to CD. I ordered a few of each brand off of Amazon initially for us to try out and see what we liked. Now that I know what I want, I'm wondering the best place to buy them online? We're going with a mix of brands. Where do you order your CD from? There is no local shop to get them from here.

Re: Where to buy CDs

  • I like Kelly's Closet because they usually have a coupon for a free diaper with purchase of X amount.
  • I've bought from the greennursery. It's a state away from me and lots of reviews.
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  • I have bought off of kellyscloset, diaperj unction, cotton babies, amazon, target, ebay, theluvyourbaby and babies r us. Diaperjunction was the only one I had an issue with. Look for sales and free shipping. What brand of diapers are you looking for? Oh d
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    Paige 8/5/99, Kara 7/22/03 and Benjamin 1/19/13
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    10 losses 1996-1998, 2 losses 2001-2002, 3 losses 2010-2012, loss 1/2014
  • Oh, and I look for sales here:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
    Paige 8/5/99, Kara 7/22/03 and Benjamin 1/19/13
      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    10 losses 1996-1998, 2 losses 2001-2002, 3 losses 2010-2012, loss 1/2014
  • Kelly's Closet has been my favorite due to the free diaper. I have waited until they have a $17+ guarantee and got one BG 4.0 and one RaR, both of which I love. I also really like Nicki's Diapers and Abbey's Lane.



  • imagenew+tothis:
    I like Kelly's Closet because they usually have a coupon for a free diaper with purchase of X amount.
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Right now I love because of the free shipping and reasonable prices.  Their customer service is great too!  They package everything so cute with a handwritten note!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersimageimageimage
  • Sweetbottoms baby has been my number 1 thus far but my last purchase came from kelly's closet. I got a free dipe with a 20+ value which ended up being a RaR AIO. I have also shopped at green mountain baby and

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