Sometimes I feel as if the more currency I acquire, the more difficulties I encounter. It's as if Sean Combs's deceased large friend was correct.
Note: I reserve the right to edit posts as I go through this, especially to add details to the replies/popularity.
Re: UO Recap
I'm (unpopularly) sober, let's get started:
BostonKisses thinks Phineas and Ferb is the best cartoon on TV right now. It got a lot of love.
Maneek1977 had a food opinion some agreed and disagreed on.
argonne thinks Hawaii
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acaudill75 doesn't like looking at other peolpe's wedding or vacation pictures. I feel like sitcoms of the 80s and 90s covered this topic pretty extensively. This is why I think facebook is great. Post an album, those who wanna loo
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katem3277 thinks feeding your kids fast food once a week or more is lazy. Apparently my mother was lazy for having my dad pick up fast food on his way home from work every Friday. Good to know. I do get bummed out when I see parent
Watching March Madness, I assume?<span style="
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MamaREB29 still uses "the bomb dot com". She started ironically, and it took over her speech. I can relate... I now say Preggers for the same reason.
shanado thinks Subway is shiit. This might be food related, and it's pretty
As always!
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afrost LOVEs Twilght and has never read or seen Harry Potter.
morgann2010 likes shopping at Walmart. Hopefully she returns her cart.
Luckydad doesn't really care a