September 2013 Moms

Not sharing baby name?

Anyone else not planning on sharing baby's name before birth? We have a few names narrowed down, and I know they will not be some family/friends' "style". I just really don't feel like hearing everyone's opinions for the next 5 months! Needless to say, we have some unhappy with us people in out lives right now ;
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Re: Not sharing baby name?

  • We are doing the same. Ppl usually keep their unwanted opinions to themselves if baby is already here. Funny family has tried to brib me for the name. I find it entertaining.
  • We aren't telling anyone. I'm not interested in opinions.
    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
    Back to normal business December 2012
    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
    It's a girl! Alice - Born 9/20/13, 8lbs 2oz

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  • We weren't planning in telling anyone our names either. They are also named that our families would have opinions on that I just don't want to hear. But my husband decided to blab them to his family anyways which upset me. They just rolled there eyes! So
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  • We aren't sharing either. Our names aren't whacky but they're for us to pick and I just don't want anyone's input. We'll leave something for a surprise since they'll know the sex.
    One DD born 9/23/13.
    We're one and done!
  • imageravenclaw1:
    We aren't telling anyone. I'm not interested in opinions.




    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • We are team green so that makes it a bit easier, but we won't be sharing our final boy and girl names. My mom has already said, "Make sure it isn't too hard to pronounce." Our names won't be hard to pronounce, but I don't want to hear opinions on what we
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    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

  • We will probably share. If family has opinions, I'm good at ignoring criticism. That is if we have decided on a name before baby is born. We are having a hard time agreeing on names right now. Glad we have a little while to decide.
    BFP #1 8/25/12 EDD 4/28/13 Blighted Ovum, D&C 9/20/12 at 8w6d. I'll always remember the first one. My baby Grace. BFP #2 12/26/12 EDD 9/4/13. DS born 9/7/13. My sweet rainbow.
  • We are telling but not for opinions.  We like the name and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. I do think it's fun though to wait until the baby is born to share the name.  It adds a great element of surprise to the big day :)


    We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015

    Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
  • We did not share with DS and do not plan to share this time around either. A few friends tried to guess but they got bored when we would not cave.
  • imageravenclaw1:
    We aren't telling anyone. I'm not interested in opinions.

    Woo Hoo!!! This exactly!!!
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  • I don't know, we've been pretty open about the names we like to close family and friends but part of me wishes we hadn't. Only because they are completely normal names and if they don't like them then it really is just their personal opinion and so it sho
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  • With DS we didn't decide on his name until after he was born, so we never had to share ahead of time.  If we actually make a decision before go-time this time I don't know if we'll share or keep it to ourselves.
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  • We aren't sharing. I agree that being Team Green helps, but mostly it's just because I don't want opinions. 
    married 6.17.06
    daughter born 9.27.13
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  • We aren't sharing the names either. Since we aren't finding out what we are having its a little easier. We just don't want all opinions/criticism. Plus it just adds to everyone's anticipation on birth day! Glad to know we aren't alone!
  • We won't be sharing our names either.  I'm having a hard enough time finding names that I like (especially boy names!), let alone any that DH agrees on...including anyone else's opinions at this point would just make things even more difficult! 
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  • I will be sharing since after I find out the sex I will refer to the baby by its name. Dh and I figured out names literally a week before my bfp so we're pretty set.

    Also I think it if someone doesnt like the name they will have about 20 wee
  • My MIL is insistant on not knowing and letting something be surprise. I think this time around we will keep quiet. I did mention the name Jace to my aunt and she was just like "oh thats different" and all I said was yup, we like it and thats all that matt
  • I don't think we will share our final pick this time. We did with DS who has a very classic "normal" name and the opinions never ended. I already gave my mom a short liste of names we like and the eye rolls have already started. She tends to insist we nam






  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    We are telling but not for opinions. We like the name and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers BabyFruit Ticker
  • Not sharing names. With DD, we did share the name (and not for opinions but bc ppl said they wanted to know) and everyone had an opinion and shared it, whether it was the name itself or the spelling. It was beyon
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  • We told everyone before we even knew we were pregnant. No one has had any opinions. Just "awww". If people have negative opinions on names you have chosen then that's just rude and they can just shove it! That's what I think!
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  • We are like you, have each narrowed down to a small list, choosing once LO is born- only sharing these lists minimally
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are not sharing.  We have a boy and girl name picked and are actually telling people really ridiculous names when they ask.  As of now my and my husband's families think if we have a son his name will be Vadar.  Our dog's name is Chewbac
  • We only shared our DD name with our parents and sisters and the response we got from my inlaws was "I'll never learn how to spell that" from my MIL and "at least I won't be the only one with a weird name in the family" from my SIL Chasteen. Our DD's na

    Happily married to my Airman since 2004.
    BFP #1 - 3/06/08 - EDD, 11/6/08 - DD born 11/06/08! Ariana Brielle
    BFP #2 - 9/27/12 - EDD, 6/05/13 - Natural MC @6w6d, 10/16/12.
    BFP #3 - 1/6/13 - EDD 9/08/13 - Please be our rainbow baby!
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  • We have been holding a boy's name for a few months before we were pregnant and my mom and brother know it from back then. But I am comfortable and prefer not telling anyone else. However I think DH maybe think it is unfair to not share with his mom and si
  • We had a list of 3 names that we went to the hospital with. We didn't share the names. We'll do that again this time. Just tell them you don't know and that it's something you'll decide in the hospital.
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  • Yeah, we just announced and EVERYONE asked about names. Even though we have them picked out we had decided not to share until we cll them to tell them the baby was born. I also think it adds to the excitement 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • NukkeNukke member
    Baby's name and sex will be revealed at birth.  I'm hoping DH will be able to hold our LO and introduce both at the same time to everyone.  Like, "This is my daughter xxxx" or, "I'd like everyone to meet my son, xxxx".
  • We aren't telling anyone either!! Only we need to like the name so no opinions are needed!
  • imagerevlaurawittman:
    We are telling but not for opinions. nbsp;We like the name and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks. I do think
  • imagekestock120:
    With DS we didn't decide on his name until after he was born, so we never had to share ahead of time.  If we
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  • We probably won't be completely tight lipped. We will probably tell close family and friends, but will keep it out of our mouth and off of facebook until baby is born!
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are team green.

     Our boy name is a family name, so no one says any opinions there.

    We haven't really decided on a girl name yet....we're about 90% sure on a girl name, but since we aren't for sure, we aren't telling.  We will p

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  • I learned not to share because someone will find a way to either steal my names or ruin them like "oh, I slept with this skank in college named ___" type thing.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • One of our close friends is withholding the name they've chosen for their son due in June and its driving me nuts bc in no way shape or form would we say anything negative about the name. I am telling people the names we like and if anyone says anything I
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  • Very common not to share names! We didn't last time and we won't this time either. Just like you said, you don't want the criticism, although how crappy of your family to make fun of your name least they could do it behind closed doors. Gener


  • I don't want to share, but I'm not sure what we'll do yet. It seems like this is the only question they all ask, "have you thought about names yet?" And esp MIL has a list, and requirements their name has to fulfill. I just smile and nod, but both me and
  • We aren't finding out the sex till birth, so we plan to have a short list of boy and girl names and choose once we've met him/her.  It will help us feel like we've chosen a fitting name, and avoid all the drama of telling people early.
    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
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