My DH really likes Danny Ray. Danny after his dad and Ray after mine. I am trying to decide if it goes well with DD. DD's name is Olivia Beth. I am also trying to decide if it would be werid having a baby Danny. Do you think it goes ok with DD? Would you do it anyway if it doesnt?
Re: sibset name opinion
I dont see any issue with Olivia & Danny although i agree with pp about opting for the full name Daniel with nn Danny. Not only does it sound better with "Ray", your son will thank you later.
I know a "Jimmy" in his 60's who just lies a
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
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Love: March 2010 Marriage: July 2013 Debt Free: October 2014 TTC: April 2015
Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d
Ditto! I think Danny or Daniel wil