Food Allergy


Hi ladies, 

 I am very new to this, but I am at the point of considering cutting out dairy for my DD. she is almost 7 weeks old and was diagnosed with reflux at 3 weeks. Recently we have been dealing with green poop, but not what I have read is typical with dairy allergy. 

 The best way I can describe it is dark green leafy, it almost looks like spinach. Other than that she is really not a fussy baby. She does see to have some gas, nothing horrible - she will maybe grunt and squirm a little bit after eating once we lay her down to go to sleep, but that is really about all. 

 Honestly I am at a loss, it really doesn't seem to be anything that is bothering her, but I just can't get over the green leafy poop. Se has had it before yesterday, but maybe just once a day and then all the others were the normal mustard yellow. The past day I would say she has more of the green than any other, but does still have normal yellow ones mixed in.

 Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated! TIA 

Married to DH 10.29.11

DD born 1.26.13
DS born 6.12.14
#3 due 12.6.16


  • Do you have an oversupply? Do you eat a lot of green veggies? If you have an oversupply, that can cause green poop because LO gets too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. Also, if you eat a lot of salads, those green foods can turn LO's poop gr

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