

So I was using OPKs this month and had five days of positive strips. I tested two days ago and got a positive on a digital. Today I've had brown tinted discharge. I've read multiple days if positive OPKs can signal multiple egg release. Have any of you with twins had this? I'm also wondering if the brown discharge could be implantation bleeding AFTER getting the positive hpt? Twins run in my family. My grandfather is a fraternal and cousins are identical.

Re: Twins

  • ID twins dont 'run in families'. And no.... it doesnt sound like there is any indication of multiples going on. Getting 3 days of pos OPK's is not all that unusual. The digital would be the more accurate.


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  • I wouldn't assume twins until you have an ultrasound confirmation. 
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  • I had brown spotting when I got pg with dd, but not with the twins. Brown spotting is not an indicator of twins.
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  • imagechill1303:
    I'm also wondering if the brown discharge could be implantation bleeding AFTER getting the positive hpt?
    I agree with what PPs said. Also, I would think it would be impossible to have implantation spotting after getting a BFP. Implantation spotting is rare to begin with, but it would have happened earlier. Chances are you were just spotting. Many ladies do early in pregnancy. I had spotting early in my pregnancy with DS and no spotting with the twins.
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  • I think you are reading WAY too much into this.
  • Agree with pp. I had an implantation bleed with DD but not with the twins. Also identical twins don't run in families but fraternal twins do. I wouldn't say twins until you have an ultrasound to confirm though. I'm having identical twins but fraternal twins are all through my fathers side. However I read that fraternal probability is from the mothers side so who knows. It has to start somewhere, lol! Hope you get the news you want to here at your ultrasound, GL mama!
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