Hello! I am due with girl #2 in a couple of months and I'm not really sure what to do with her nursery. The room is a bright, light blue (painted as a guest room and didn't think about the fact that it would eventually be a nursery!) and we have no intention of repainting it. DD's room is grey with coral/light pink accents and is fairly "girly." Therefore, I'd like #2's to be similarly "girly." I was thinking of lavender and turqouise to girl it up a bit, but now i'm second guessing that. However, I can't think of anything else. Any other ideas? We will most likely buy white crib/furniture.
Very cute! I never would have thought of this -- definitely something to consider. DH hates yellow, but maybe he'd be on board if it weren't too prominent. Thanks!
Thanks! The only issue with most of these pics is that the walls are pretty turquoise, which I love, but that's not our color. It's just blue blue (I attached a pic). Hopefully the yellow/pink/fuchsia thing will still look good with true blue walls, since that's what I'm going with at the moment! It's seems much livelier and happier than the turquoise/lavender I was previously considering, which seems rather...subdued in comparison.
That looks like the perfect sky blue for a garden theme! I like the idea of doing yellow, pink and purple. Maybe you could find some cloud and flower decals. I've even seen a nursery with a pale blue background and a white picket fence painted on the walls. It looked really pretty!
I also like the garden theme. The blue that you posted kind of reminds me of the sky. Our spare bedroom is the same color is the blue that you posted, but we have one stark white wall (where a crib will go if we have another). If we have a girl, there will be pictures framed in white above the bed, made by Alice & Ivory. The blue in it is not the exact same, but it wont be on a blue wall, so I don't think that it will be as noticeable (as it would be if it was on a blue wall). Even then, I would probably still throw it in a white frame and put it up on the wall even if it was blue. They have several different prints, but this is one of the ones I was referring to (they also have one just like this that says "WILD")
Re: ideas for girly baby blue nursery?
(8th photo)