Watching Katie and this may be old but they are discussing and debating moms drinking wine or taking drugs.
But seriously they make wine called mommy juice and mommys time out. One even comes in an oversized juice box...
Lets watch and discuss!
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Re: Moms drinking wine
I just got an antenna so it's Katie or Jerry springer.
And I want to try the juice box wine.
Apparently one lady said she had too much at a play date and realized once she got home she was buzzed... Didn't drink again and it's been 4 years.
Watch, no. But I honestly think it's kind of funny to put wine in an oversized juice box, lol. And I think it's meant to be funny. I don't typically drink and I don't take drugs at all - hell, I rarely take an asprin - but I don't judge moms who do. I think every mom approaches relaxing time differently and there's nothing wrong with that.
And I definitely think having a sense of humor about parenthood is a good thing.
// I love you too. //
If it's wrong, then I don't wanna be right!
You know what, she probably should have. Good. One less woman comin over to my house to drink up all my wine.
Right? I sort of feel like a grown woman shouldn't be peer pressured into drinking beyond her limit at a play date...
But some people are super hardcore against drinking at all while your kids are around. Shots of liquor maybe too much but a beer or glass of wine I don't see as being worse than cold medicine.
a glass of wine=/= a whole box of wine
what sorta drugs we talking?
I don't drink much anymore but have had a very f the world week (bringing gma home on hospice, arguing with DH and family about stupid shiit, kids just overly whiny, hot water tank leaking on our finished basement & my car which just got a new trans, now is leaking oil... dude, it's freaking wednesday and that's not even my work drama.) On monday, momma poured herself a glass of wine and anyone who has a problem with it can suck it.
Adderall and meth. She said she felt like super mom.
And yes you need the giant juice box wine this week. No judgies.
It's about moms using drinking/drugs as coping mechanisms for dealing with parenting stressors. And they mentioned drinking at playgroups.
I personally think drinking at playgroups is a bad idea. If you're wanting to have a happy hour, great. Do it without the kiddos and have a DD. if you want to do a play date, leave the hooch at home. I think it's too slippery a slope.
DS2 August 2012
::changes channel to Jerry springer::
I don't go to formal playgroups but I'll absolutely have a cocktail when my kids play with their friends at a girlfriends house.
<--failing to see the issue here
I watched this Katie episode yesterday and did the same thing! Lol
DS2 August 2012
I drink wine, but do not do drugs. I haven't drank in a few months though.
We went to the liquor store the other day and they had Adult Chocolate Milk. It was in a old fashioned looking milk bottle. I want to try that!
I'm not sure how to properly articulate my thoughts on the subject, but I'll try.
I just worry about the what.ifs. Is someone capable of driving if an emergency arose? Is judgement being impaired? Are the kids being watched or is the focus on the happy hour?
I'm probably doing a piss poor job if explaining...sorry. It just doesn't jive well with me, but I'm also not a big drinker. And I probably worry about the what.ifs too much.
DS2 August 2012
This was discussed a bit on our BMB yesterday. I didn't watch the whole thing, but I did get the vibe that Katie was pretty judgmental toward the moms who used prescribed medications for depression and anxiety like Celexa and Lexapro. There is already such a stigma with mental disorders - why add to it Katie? I guess she even made a comment to one woman who lost her husband that "she lost her husband too but didn't need to take anything."
Meth is a whole different ballgame, but how many moms are really using meth just to be super mom (as opposed to using it because they are methheads?)
Katie sucks.
I don't get loaded. I have a drink and talk to my friend while the kids run amuck outside.
Not a big deal.
If an emergency arose I'd be fine. And if I was too drunk to drive thats what 911 is for
The lady who lost her husband was put on Adderol, which is a stimulant used to treat ADD. I do think Katie was judgemental, but I also don't think Adderol is appropriate to treat depression.
DS2 August 2012
amuck=one of the greatest words ever that is severely underutilized
DS#1 3-28-02 ~ DD 6-15-09 ~ DS#2 5-31-13
Except Celexa are Class C drugs and Meth is a Schedule II Narcotic. *** Katie and judgy self-rightousness.
wine, as long as you don't get passed out wasted... Totally ok.
I disagree, I don't think that's what 911 is for. You def should call them if your kid needs to go to the ER and you're drunk, but I don't think it's the point of 911.
I think an adult who is sober enough to drive should always be in the house when kids are. So, a glass of wine. Fine. Have a few glasses if dh is going to stay sober.
The juice box wine is funny. I might even include one in the baby shower gift for a friend in a few weeks. But I know she has a sense of humor and will understand it's a joke.
Being a mom is tough, if someone is taking prescription meds under a dr supervision I see no problem with that. If they're doing meth to cope we've got issues.
Bloody hell, lighten up would ya
If you ask my friend's 2 year old what mommy drinks, she answers, "wine" which is probably one of the biggest reasons we are friends.
In seriousness though, she and her husband, like me and my husband, enjoy a glass at dinner... and then maybe another when the kiddo is asleep.
There is a huge difference between having a glass of wine in front of your kid and having a line of coke.
Yes. Please. With a crazy straw.