
Vbac home birth

Hey ladies I was hoping you could give me a little insight into the Vbac world. I am not prego nor did I have a c-section but a friend of mine is in labor right now with her second as a Vbac home water birth with no midwife or doula (state doesn't allow them to do vbac's apparently)

She has been in Labor since the evening of 2/22 her last post about it on her facebook page she made so we could follow her journey said her contractions were still 4-5 mins apart. then 6 hours ago she posted this

He's going to reheat the pool... If getting in doesn't help we will call my mom to come over and watch Krogan... The last one brought me to tears and lasted almost 2 minutes long.


I'm thinking they are in the thick of things and that she is giving birth to her son right now but I'm a little worried because this is a Vbac and they aren't doing any checks except doppler for the baby's heart rate.  I guess I'm just looking to see if anyone else had long labors and it was fine. 

Like I said I have no experience with any of this kind of stuff so hopefully you don't think I'm just a rambling worry wort haha 

Re: Vbac home birth

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    Finally another update 

    BP 107/72... when I have a contraction I am almost shaking/shivering and my voice does this weird wavy thing... really nauseated but managing not to barf... would be miserable if Krogan wasn't helping me through contractions. Trying to rest as much as possible... we will go for a walk around the cul-de-sac later ? all of the pressure is in my butt and hips still. No baby... hips hurt


    P.S. Krogan is her son he's 18 months :) 

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    She is having an unassisted home birth, VBACing, and posting details regularly on Facebook??! :|

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    She is still in labor, 5 hours ago she ate some strawberries and some home made energy/labor cookies (never heard of them) then 2 hours ago threw up.

     nothing again since then, no one else on the facebook board seem concerned and are all cheering her on, which I am too don't get me wrong but I am worried because they aren't doing any checks to make sure she is dilating. I totally respect doing a Vbac but I thought that making sure you're dilating was even more important during one. 

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    I hope everything is ok. Unassisted childbirth makes me nervous, vbac or not.

    DS1: August 2009 (emergency c/s, HELLP syndrome) DS2: September 2012 (VBAC)
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    I can understand being concerned about your friend,  an unattended VBAC is certainly not a risk I would be willing to take.  But...your friend probably did her research and hopefully went into it fully informed.  There really isn't anything you can do - she has already made her choice.  All you can do is cross your fingers and pray.  

     I'm no expert, but I think the doppler checks are more important.  Watching for fetal decelerations is a sign of rupture.  Checking dilation just gives you an idea of how far you have come, but really some people take days to get from 2-6, then are at 10 30 min later.  The hospital will require you to make progress sometimes, but it's debatable how helpful that really is. 

    Check out VBACfacts.com for info.  It might at least occupy you while you sit home worrying about her.  

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    Thanks ladies I appreciate the info, I know she did a ton of research and she has a ton of herbs/meds for all types of scenarios. I'll be biting my nails and reading up while I wait haha! 
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    I hope everything is ok. Unassisted childbirth makes me nervous, vbac or not.

    Same.  I'm sorry, I don't think it's a smart risk to take and it's not something I will ever understand.  I hope everyone is okay.

    Sometimes it doesn't matter how many herbs you take and books you read.  None of that is a good substitute for a trained MW or other care provider.

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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    They just went to the hospital because she has been laboring for 72 hours now and is exhausted. She said that they may leave AMA though because the Doctor told them that if they can't keep the baby on the monitor they would have to rupture her membranes and do an internal. She is totally against that. I'm just hoping that they are all safe she is at -2 station and 8cm now.


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    Are you positive there is no midwife?

    I had a home VBAC but would have been very uncomfortable doing it unassisted. However, women don't make these decisions lightly, and I have seen other women do it unassisted for reasons they had really researched. It may be that no midwife could legally attend and she'd be sectioned upon arrival at the hospital.

    Intermittent heart readings on the doppler is an evidence-based reliable method to monitor baby's heart tones. 

    There is absolutely no need to do any checks to see if dilation is occurring. There are a few other ways to tell progress (but that is often with a trained midwife who knows what to observe, but not absolutely). Makes no difference with a VBAC or not.

    Some women have a very long journey in labor to achieve a VBAC. 

    Many don't understand risk when it comes to uterine rupture and haven't put it in its place with the risk of other birth problems that are as likely and often more likely to occur than UR. 

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    Any updates for us? 

    I would totally not be cool with having any unassisted home birth - VBAC or not.   Labor is scary/messy business and it's nice to have someone there to calm any fears and say "oh yeah, that's normal." 

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    Many don't understand risk when it comes to uterine rupture and haven't put it in its place with the risk of other birth problems that are as likely and often more likely to occur than UR. 

    This!  I get frustrated when people act like UR is the only birth risk ever to occur. 

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    Many don't understand risk when it comes to uterine rupture and haven't put it in its place with the risk of other birth problems that are as likely and often more likely to occur than UR. 

    This!  I get frustrated when people act like UR is the only birth risk ever to occur. 

    Oh yes, I agree.  FTR, I think it is a bad decision to do UC whether it's a VBAC or not.

    I think there are women who do UC because they think that their bodies are meant to birth and they'll just know what to do and that's the way it was meant to be done.  But I think that's a relatively new way of thinking and traditionally, most cultures show a history of women helping other women during childbirth.

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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    Yes there is no certified midwife, I believe she has a few friends that did home births but the state she lives in doesn't allow Vbac home births to be done by midwives or doulas. 

    Preg-amy this is exactly her reasoning to do it this way. (sorry couldn't get it to quote just the last part)

    I think there are women who do UC because they think that their bodies are meant to birth and they'll just know what to do and that's the way it was meant to be done.  But I think that's a relatively new way of thinking and traditionally, most cultures show a history of women helping other women during childbirth.


    The most recent update from her was 2 hours ago her water broke on it's own finally. I'm not sure if they are home or at the hospital still. hopefully we get a picture of a perfect baby boy soon!


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    And we have a baby!!!!!

    Her update


    Ended up rushing to East Cooper because I was cold, clammy, faint, and short of breath... No drugs for the actual birth though ?


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    Yeah, I can't get behind that logic.  I don't think humans were meant to birth alone and I can't understand wanting to.  But to each their own.  I'm glad everyone is okay.

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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    But I think that's a relatively new way of thinking and traditionally, most cultures show a history of women helping other women during childbirth.

    I agree! One reason I love midwifery - women helping women. 

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