It has basically come to the point where I can't get up 6-8 times/night anymore.
DS#2 goes to sleep (not without a bottle and a lot of rocking) around 7-8pm. He will sleep about 2 hours and then is up every 60-90 minutes there after.
When he wakes up he needs to be rocked and/or fed to go back to sleep. I always try to just pat him in the crib, but he will just go from crying to screaming.
He is FFed now, but will eat 12-16 oz total during the MOTN feedings. I have been trying to have him eat more during the day, but he will refuse if he is full (usually eats 3-4 oz at a time).
PLEASE help! I want some gentle ways to help him sleep longer. I'm not even talking about STTN, but if we could go down to 2-3 times/night it would be so much better.
Re: 6 months old.... sleep troubles
He will drink all that in 3-4oz bottles during the night. When he wakes it is full out crying. He will make noise for less than a minute and then it turns into screaming. When he starts screaming I try to just pat him, but 9 times out of 10 I need to pick him up.
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

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I disagree - I think you need to start reducing the amount he eats at night. It is likely disrupting his sleep and his digestive system shouldn't be that active at night. Offer more during the day to compensate. But he will also probably start eating more during the day once you reduce the amount he eats at night. I can imagine his diaper also getts pretty soaked by eating that much. Do you have to also change him? He is probably hungry but only because he is a trained night eater. Gradually reduce the amount per feeding or the time between feedings to reduce the total #. I'm not advocating night weaning but 12-14 oz. is too much from everything I've read.
I'm another Aug 2012, no advice either. Just wanted to let you know the same thing is happening with us. DD1 slept like this for a looong time but we also bed shared with her. DD2 was sleeping great until 4 months. Now awake at least every 2 hours.