
You know those Diaper David books?

We have one the Oops! book and we go through it and I ask him what things are.

When we get to the end and the baby, David, is in the bath, and I point to him, Jonathan says "Monkey baby!".



Me with my littlest.

Re: You know those Diaper David books?

  • Taylor has recently discovered those...and the older David books (wtf was the artist thinking..that kid is soooo fugly).  Taylor LOVES them though.  She reads them (she has them memorized.) and laughs at all the shenanigans he gets into.
  • That kid is SO fug.

    We have some others, but they're yelling at the kid and I don't like it.

    Like the "NO! David!" book.  Ugh.  So mean!


    Me with my littlest.
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  • I hated those books when ds first learned about them, but all the kids LOVE what the heck.  I gave in and read them. He has kind of passed the phase now and I don't think they made him say No anymore than he was already...but I totally agree, that kid is FUG!

  • "No! David!" was the one that hooked Taylor.  And honestly, I don't read it as "yelling" but more as "don't do that, David!" and we laugh at the silly things he does and why its wrong....It's not how I talk to my kids, but its a kids know the difference between books and real life.

  • That's cute!

    We have the same book and Logan knows what to say for each word.  For example, "David's first word was ball...."   She says "uh-oh"  She knows each one.

    What was really crazy was that we'd left that book at my parents' house for at least a month and when we got it back, she knew all of the words.

    I couldn't believe it!

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