Health & Exercise

30 day shred vs ripped in 30? Opinions?

Hey ladies!  I recently was just released to exercise again after having my second baby just after Christmas and hoped you all could give me a few opinions!

I have the Jillian Ripped in 30 DVD and have done it before I had my first child and did see results, but I'm just wondering if anyone here has done both and could compare the two?  I know a TON of friends of mine are super into the 30 day Shred and really recommend that.  Is it going to be that much better than Ripped in 30?  I don't have a ton of time with a newborn and a barely two year old, so I want to maximize my time and be doing the most effective/efficient workout possible. 

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Re: 30 day shred vs ripped in 30? Opinions?

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    I've been doing the 30 day shred for a couple weeks now, and I did look into Ripped in 30 - I don't have experience with it, but I read reviews saying it was more difficult than the shred... but I find the Shred to be very mood boosting and gives me energy, so I find it works great for me. I had my baby just over 8 months ago, so I'm trying to force myself to lose this extra weight!! 

    Good luck with whichever one you choose! You could do the 30 day shred, then try ripped in 30 - and alternate - I also have her killer buns and thighs, and love that as well :) super difficult, even at level 1! 
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    I've done just about every single Jillian video and my favorite is probably 30DS, but Ripped is a close second. I have done 30DS so much that I am just bored of it now. I found it was just as good, but for some reason I just liked 30DS a little more. They are very similar except I think level 1 of Ripped is easier than level 1 of Shred, but you progress faster. I just bought Body Revolution and plan on starting that next month after vacation, hoping the variety will be good since there are many more workouts. GL, I think you can't go wrong and if Ripped is working for you then stick with it until you get bored before moving on.
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    I own both 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. Personally, I like Ripped in 30 better. She packs more of a variety of exercises into each circuit so I feel like I get a better workout for pretty much the same amount of time. But both offer a great workout in a short amount of time! Perfect for moms while baby is napping. Also, if Jillian Michaels workouts are your thing, her DVD 6 week 6-pack is probably my favorite right now! :)
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    I personally like 30 day shred myself. It is not as difficult as ripped in 30, which I like. I feel like I've worked out when I'm done so what more could I want? Have you seen some of the before and afters online of 30ds!?!? amazing.


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