We didn't have a swing or bouncy seat for DS, but I'm considering getting one for the new baby. Then I remembered that DS was climbing all over my friend's bouncy seat when we visited at Christmas, and now I'm worried that he's going to try to play with the swing/bouncer.
Did you have this issue with your older LO? Did it cause issues (like, the swing/bouncer breaking)?
ETA: DS is already around 25 pounds, so he's at the weight limit for the swings I've looked at. By the time Baby comes, he'll be 22 months and definitely be over the limit, so that's my worry.
Re: Older LO and baby toys
My DD loved my DS's bouncy seat and swing. In fact, I think she had more fun with the bouncy seat as a 15 month old than as an infant. I let her play in my DS's bouncy seat. She was barely 20lbs and I didn't see the harm. She never tried to climb in it while my DS was in it.
The swing, I did tell her no but only because my DS had severe reflux and without the swing we'd have been lost. I didn't want her breaking it.
My philosophy is there are no "baby" or "toddler" toys. They are all "our" toys and we share them.