What do you think of this name for a boy? I have known more men named Carmen than women but I keep thinking of it as too feminine for a boy for some reason.
I am not a fan of Carmine because it sounds too Italian. I am half Italian but don't want a really ethnic sounding name because it wouldn't go with my other kids' names. I have known 3 or 4 male Carmens but they are older Italian men. One of my friends has Carmen for her middle name but that is the only girl I know with the name. I guess it has just become more of a female name over the years which I get because it does sound feminine to me too.
Re: Carmen?
I love it, for a girl. I think it's too feminine for a boy.
How about Carmine?
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14
Hmm, I've never heard Carmen on a boy, I've only heard it on females.
I have heard Carmine for boys. That would be a great underused name to choose.
Yep, another vote for this.