
advice please

So my daughter is in 5th grade, straight a student since 4k. She has a teacher for math and science that's a first year, and I guess in an attempt to not be taken advantage of is extremely mean. Rude too from the contact I've had with her so far. My problem is this : all of a sudden my daughter is bringing home little quizzes that have five questions. Well, my daughters highest grade was an 80. The rest were 40 and 60s. She was upset to find out these are going to be in her average. She's extremely worried her straight A record will go down because of this teacher and her quizzes. I understand my daughter should try harder, but if there's only five Q's then each count for 20 pts. I want to let my daughter know that grades are just that and she's exemplary on allow of our state tests and district tests and even scored the highest you can score in more than one subject on the assessment exams. But....I also would like advice on how to delicately approach this teacher and ask her why she's continued this five question quiz trend despite many parents complaints of their student bringing home similar grades. Report cards haven't been issued so there's still time. But.....what do I even say?

Re: advice please

  • I don't think there is much you can do. Almost everyone has experienced a hard ss teacher growing up. It's the fifth grade, she will be fine and it will pass.


  • She gets a trophy every year for academic excellence. This would've been year five, the year you get an extra recognition. She's been talking about this for two years..... its hard not to want to protect her from losing that.
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  • Well, I can understand how you feel, though I'm not there yet parenting wise. Maybe tell your daughter that she doesn't need a trophy to make her feel smart. Do something special for her. She's going to have let downs in her life, teach her how to make the best of it and move on.


  • I guess I'd first look at the quiz questions.  Are they hard or misleading?  It does seem kind of harsh for 5th grade.  But it is getting them ready for middle school where things will just get even harder.  Maybe your kid needs to study extra for this class and you can help her do that?  If you're really pissed about it, talk to the teacher then the principal.

    I remember in 7th grade I had an English teacher that did this.  Except she would randomly grade 5 questions out of our tiny vocab workbook (out of like 40 questions assigned).  So if you only did part of those questions and she was grading that section you didn't finish, it was a zero.  And if you were like me and would forget to bring that stupid book, it was a zero.  My parents knew the teacher was harsh and I actually got a D and F in her class that year.  I didn't get grounded for it though.  Oh and joy for me, I had her again for 8th grade.  She was a real witch.

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  • I agree with PP that 5th grade is a tough transition year and that your daughter is being presented with a lesson. I'm not a parent of that age but I am an 8th grade teacher. I'd have your daughter approach the teacher and ask what she can do to help improve her grades. Make sure she's asking at a quiet time during the day and see what the teacher suggests. Also, it might be a good way to stress intrinsic motivations with your daughter or so some goal setting exercises at home. Is she studying a certain length of time each night? Is she staying after with the teacher? Those things can also help.
  • Have you asked the teacher how the quizzes are being counted? Just because there is a number grade on them doesn't mean that grade is weighted the same as her other tests. Fifth grade is also when teachers really start to push students, and unfortunately, not everyone is a straight a student.
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  • Fifth grade is a transitional year. Assignments and assessments are going to be harder than previous years. And it's only going to get harder in upcoming years. In junior high here, they have daily math quizzes and tests. Homework isn't even counted for a grade. Have her do so more practice problems along with her homework if she needs some extra help. Fifth grade can be difficult for kids. Give her some encouragement and take the focus off of the trophy. 
  • From a teacher's perspective, frequent quizzes keep students accountable for the material and doesn't let it accumulate into one huge test at the end of the unit. The reason for only five questions is probably because it's tough to grade daily quizzes. I would think that there are other factors that contribute to the grade such as projects, class participation, homework, tests, etc. This all depends on the school and the subject.

    I used to do 5 question open notebook quizzes with classes that needed extra motivation to take notes. Count me as a witch, but it helped students realize that each day counts and they needed to focus.

    By the way, don't focus on how to change the grading or the teacher. Focus on working with your daughter. Make flash cards, go over old quizzes and correct them, check her notebook to make sure the notes are organized, and go over homework together. Focus on making improvements and not on the big trophy.

    Teach your daughter how to work through difficult situations by working hard, staying focused, and not giving up. Make some lemonade with the lemons she was given.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • imagemabenner1:
    Have you asked the teacher how the quizzes are being counted? Just because there is a number grade on them doesn't mean that grade is weighted the same as her other tests. Fifth grade is also when teachers really start to push students, and unfortunately, not everyone is a straight a student.

    This. The quizzes may only be a small part of her grade. And don't worry about the prize, let her know she can be a great student without getting straight A's.
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  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    By the way, don't focus on how to change the grading or the teacher. Focus on working with your daughter. Make flash cards, go over old quizzes and correct them, check her notebook to make sure the notes are organized, and go over homework together. Focus on making improvements and not on the big trophy. Teach your daughter how to work through difficult situations by working hard, staying focused, and not giving up. Make some lemonade with the lemons she was given.

    As a former (5th grade, in fact) teacher, this x100.  I understand that the trophy means a lot to her, but the overall life lesson is more important. 

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  • Why does it always come back to trophies?
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  • imagerobinsokj:
    Why does it always come back to trophies?

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  • All pp have made great points.  You need to focus on helping her find a way to do better on the quizzes.  She should talk to the teacher on how she can improve her scores on these.  What are you teaching her by going to the teacher and asking for the quizzes to stop so she can get a trophy?  I understand it's important to her, but there is a bigger lesson here.  Life is not easy and it's not fair.  This will not be the last time she will encounter this.  Wouldn't you prefer she learn how to deal with obstacles and rise to them, rather than trying to find a way around them?
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  • imagerobinsokj:
    Why does it always come back to trophies?

    Everyone should get a trophy for just showing up to school. What's with all of this good grades nonsense? 
  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    From a teacher's perspective, frequent quizzes keep students accountable for the material and doesn't let it accumulate into one huge test at the end of the unit. The reason for only five questions is probably because it's tough to grade daily quizzes. I would think that there are other factors that contribute to the grade such as projects, class participation, homework, tests, etc. This all depends on the school and the subject. I used to do 5 question open notebook quizzes with classes that needed extra motivation to take notes. Count me as a witch, but it helped students realize that each day counts and they needed to focus. By the way, don't focus on how to change the grading or the teacher. Focus on working with your daughter. Make flash cards, go over old quizzes and correct them, check her notebook to make sure the notes are organized, and go over homework together. Focus on making improvements and not on the big trophy. Teach your daughter how to work through difficult situations by working hard, staying focused, and not giving up. Make some lemonade with the lemons she was given.

    I completely agree with this.  Please don't attack the teacher.  However wrong you feel she may be, you will not get what you want from her if you attack her. 

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  • I haven't read the other responses but my thoughts are this:

    1) She's in 5th grade and worried about straight As? You say you want to let her know grades are just grades, but in the same breath you say "I understand my daughter should try harder". What kind of confusing expectations are you placing on her.

    2) If she gets 2 out of 5 or 3 out of 5, that's what she gets. You want to tell the teacher to give them 20 questions so she can get 10 or 15 out of 20? The % isn't much better. Do you even know if these quizzes count for anything or much towards the final grade?


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  • imageKlondikeBar:

    Why does it always come back to trophies?

    Everyone should get a trophy for just showing up to school. What's with all of this good grades nonsense?

    It reminds me of a HIMYM episode when Lilly coached a basketball team.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • I haven't read all of the PPs, but a few things:

    1) Don't go to the teacher whining about how hard the quizzes are.  If you must go to the teacher, have your daughter go to her and ask how she can do better.

    2) Your daughter needs to adapt.  As PPs said, 5th grade is transitioning them to more responsibility.  If she needs to come home every night and review notes from that day, that's what she needs to do.  Maybe she will find that her note-taking is subpar and she will learn that she needs to take better notes and pay closer attention.

    3) It's not about a freaking trophy.  It's about learning the skills that prepare you for life.  Sometimes it takes a B, C, D or F to come to that realization and force the adaptation talked about in #2.  It will be a learning experience for her.

    4) How much do the quizzes actually count towards her actual grade.  I want to say that quizzes never counted more than 10-20% of my grades and that was through college.  Most weight was put on the exams/tests, projects, etc.  Most teachers use quizzes as knowledge checks to see how their students are learning.  They may take this information and possibly adapt their teaching in a way to help the students grasp certain subject matter better.

    5) You strike me as a helicopter parent.  What are you teaching your daughter if you go whining to the teacher about these quizzes?  You are teaching her that it's the teacher's fault and mommy will protect you.


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