Wow. We got an email tonight from the Birth Parent (E) who we met with last week. They've asked us to match with them.
It would be a "Legal Risk" adoption because of the situation with the birth father. But otherwise, we are inclined to switch from the agency adoption track to the agency assisted private track- which we'd actually never intended to do.
It's going to be a long match- E is only 14 weeks 5 days pregnant- so I'm proceeding with caution. But I'll be calling the agency in the morning to try to get things going. E sent us the picture of the ultrasound that they showed us at dinner last week and have invited us to their next ultrasound (either late next week or early the following one) Cute little bean.
Excited, anxious and nervous.
Re: Birth Parent Picked Us!
So excited for you! I hope everything goes well for you and that the time goes by fast
Interested to see how the private track goes......
WHAT?! I just had to call to remind mine that our physicals and a few other things are expiring. I had to tell her that I dont want to miss any profiling apps because she wasnt on top of our ppwk. Grrrrrrr. They told us we never have to worry sbout keeping track of anything. Good thing I am proactive. Sorry for the rant and I hope they do right by you. Be tough happy for you!
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
Together 11 years ~ Married 4 years
IUI #3 - April 2014 - Monitored, 100mg Clomid CD1-5. Ovidrel w/ one 24mm follicle on CD13, back-to-back IUI w/ donor sperm CD14-15... BFP on 5/1/14 ... EDD: 1/10/15