Any suggestions for names that make you think "Cute" "Sweet" "Quiet" "Lovable"? The name Connor brings these thoughts to mind but I need a similiar but different name.
Some other names I came up with are: Noah, Leo, Ryan, Jack but my husband has nixed these, too.
Re: Name similiar to Connor
Maybe I'm biased, but I love Charlie! (fn Charles).... I think it fits your criteria. Plus I think Charles sounds better for an adult.
This is what we just decided on!! It will be the name for our new cat (who came from the shelter with the name Conner). Charles/Charlie it is!! Thanks for all of the suggestions.
Really????? A Cat? You should have prefaced this in your OP.
That's pretty funny to me- since the Conors/Connors (5 or so) I know are anything but quiet and sweet. Cute and lovable, yes. More like mischievous, full of life, borderline troublemaker (in a good way), very fun to be around.
BFP #1 5/27/12- m/c 7/9/12 @ 10w2d (cytotec induced @11w).
Fibroids, Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
BFP #2 11/18/12 EDD 7/27/13