Attachment Parenting

When to stop using infant insert in Ergo

When did you stop using the infant insert in the Ergo?  DS is 13 weeks, about 15 pounds.  The instructions say to use the infant insert until the child has good head control.  I don't feel that DS's head control is that good... he's still fairly wobbly and if I bend over while wearing him I have to hold his head.  So I feel I should continue using it, however he's really outgrowing it!  When I put him in there with the insert his head is now so high that it's bumping into my chin, and the top of the actual Ergo is pretty low on his back.  I've tried him without the pillow and without the insert and he protests because it doesn't appear he's ready to not have his legs froggied.  I've tried froggying his legs without the insert and he just can't get comfortable.  Is it common for the baby to be up that high while they're growing?  Any suggestions?  I'm pretty new to babywearing so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong :) 

Re: When to stop using infant insert in Ergo

  • You know that pillow that goes in the bottom of the infant insert? Use that but skip the actual infant insert.  That's what I'm doing with DD2 who's 4 months. She too has outgrown the insert but is uncomfortable having her legs completly out.  The pillow gives her a little extra support.
  • c/ping my response from another thread :)   Pretend I say he ;)
    The top of the ergo should come no higher than the midline of her ear.  At 10 weeks, you are likely going to want her to still have some head support so that's a good marker to go by.

    She probably doesn't need the insert - the purpose of the insert is to hold baby snuggly in the carrier to prevent slumping.  Once they are bigger and fill out the body of the carrier more it isn't needed.
    She probably isn't big enough for legs out yet.  You don't want legs out until she can freely swing her legs at the knees and isn't too deeply seated in the carrier.   At the same time she may be too big to froggy or not like it (I'm personally not a fan of froggy legs).  You can use the little pillow part of the insert or a rolled up blanket as a seat for her.  She will sit on that so her legs will swing free.  It will give her a boost so she's not too low and will keep her legs from overspreading.
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