1st Trimester

Physically demanding job in 1st trimester

After 5 years of TTC we found out we're pregnant!  I'm only 6 weeks along but I have started to get concerned about my work environment.  I work at a restaurant and I have to do a lot of heavy lifting like 5 gal ice buckets, bins with 2 gallon bags of soup (most of the time there's 2 bags in each bin) and also several activities that have my pushing my tummy against sides of the sink, carts etc.   I also have to work with lots of cleaning chemicals.  I know I need to ask my Dr but there are complications with our insurance right now and I can't get an appointment for a few weeks.  I just need to know what my limitations are.  I'm concerned I may have to quit and we just can't afford that right now :(

Re: Physically demanding job in 1st trimester

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    have you seen other pregnant women working at your job? how were they treated? Is your manager nice, could they maybe change your responsibilities so you're not responsible for heavy lifting and chemicals?
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    Congrats!  I worked as a server/bartender for my first trimester with no limitations (was looking for a different job before I got pregnant with my first).  Just use common sense, and if anything hurts, don't do it! 
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    I just started there in the summer and haven't known of anyone working there and being pregnant.  I thought about changing my responsibilities but every position requires the same thing to some degree. 
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    Obviously double check with your doctor once you get everything straightened out, but I have seen most people say that you aren't really supposed to lift things that are more than about 25 pounds. As for the chemicals, I would try to stay away from them as much as possible, as commercial cleaning chemicals are usually much harsher than home ones. 

    Would it be possible to speak with your employer about your concerns? I think they are supposed to make accommodations for you, but I am no legal expert.   

    12/19/2012 BFP! 
    EDD 08/26/2013 
    Our little girl arrived 8/22/2013!

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    I would speak to your boss about this. Legally they can't fire you because you're pregnant. If there is no way you can get out of dealing with the chemicals, ask your employer to supply proper equipment such as a heavy duty mask and gloves. It is your right to be protected as a pregnant woman. 
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    You can ask for accommodations to be made but not everything you listed needs one.  Pushing your belly against counters isn't worth mentioning.  You aren't going to do anything.  Later you might physically not be able to reach things and you can deal with that then but you aren't going to smoosh anything.  You can lift things you're used to lifting as long as you lift smart.  The danger in lifting heavy things is to YOU, not the baby.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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    have you seen other pregnant women working at your job? how were they treated? Is your manager nice, could they maybe change your responsibilities so you're not responsible for heavy lifting and chemicals?


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    i would talk to your manager/about this. they should be able to accommodate you. it doesn't hurt to talk about it to him/her.

    i am a psych rn on an acute unit. my job worries me but i plan on talking to my manager to see if i can have the option not to be involved with crisis events, for example: hands on, applying restraints to an agitated/violent patient, administering stat IMs while the pt is being held down resisting, etc. i could be in the office making the multiple phone calls we have to do for a crisis and doing the restraint paperwork that is needed. i think my manager would be willing to accommodate me. 



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    The only part that sounds remotely concerning to me is dealing with chemicals. I'd see what you can do about getting away from them. 
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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    I worked in a kitchen until 38 weeks.  Just don't go huffing oven cleaner and you'll be fine.
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    I work as a nurse and am exposed to people on radiation, chemotherapy, infectious diseases and heavy lifting. I had no limitations, just use common sense, take small breaks and know your own limitation.

    Just don't abuse the fact that you're pregnant and can't do certain elements of your job or you're going to have angry coworkers.
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