... About Ted Mosby lol. I don't find him at all attractive. I'm much more of a Barney Stinson girl.
Damn pregnancy hormones. Better than my last one... About my boss!!! Awkward!
So fellow bumpies who's your weirdest sex dream subject??
I recently had a pregnancy dream about Adrian Grenier. In the dream we became pretty tight friends and everyone accused us of having an affair. I was bummed to wake up before it turned sexual...boo.
I don't want to bone Ted either. . I'm not pg, but had a boss sex dream last night. I think I was starting to wake up, but in my dream I kept thinking "look at his d!ck, look at his d!ck" but somehow I never got a good view.
Then I had a really dirty one about Twist from Fresh Beat Band. He even kept his yellow hoodie on. It was extreme. I honestly blushed every time I saw him on tv
My jaw cannot drop far enough.
Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
I had a sexual dream today about a friend's boyfriend. To be fair, I have known him for a while and long before she became his girlfriend. I had a dream about him several years ago, that we were making out on a ferris wheel. Today, he was my doctor and pulled put his penis. It's a little strange, because I don't really find him very attractive.
I've had a handful of sex dreams about Jason Bateman. I do find him pretty hot, but I just always wonder why he ends up in them!
Last week I had a sex dream of a good friend of mine. It was, hot. But then we hung out for my husbands birthday on friday, and then again on sunday for football.
Weirdly, I don't find him all that attractive during the day.
Re: I had a sex dream
I dont know who those people but I am totes creeped out just based on their names.
Meh. I like peen. I dont need to remember their faces.
My jaw cannot drop far enough.
Scandalous! Jaw dropping and pearl clutching.
I had a sexual dream today about a friend's boyfriend. To be fair, I have known him for a while and long before she became his girlfriend. I had a dream about him several years ago, that we were making out on a ferris wheel. Today, he was my doctor and pulled put his penis. It's a little strange, because I don't really find him very attractive.
I've had a handful of sex dreams about Jason Bateman. I do find him pretty hot, but I just always wonder why he ends up in them!
Last week I had a sex dream of a good friend of mine. It was, hot. But then we hung out for my husbands birthday on friday, and then again on sunday for football.
Weirdly, I don't find him all that attractive during the day.