Starting to think this VBAC may not happen - 40w6d

I will be 41 weeks tomorrow and I've planned on having a VBAC from the beginning. I found a new OB who is supportive of me trying For a VBAC and this pregnancy has gone great. I am starting to get worried that I'm never going to go into labor on my own though. I will be 41 weeks tomorrow and I'm still only 1 cm and 60%. I haven't changed much for the last 3 weeks. A little history, LO has been breech twice (35 weeks & 37 weeks, she turned head down at 38.5 weeks). I also have a lot of fluid (the high side of normal) and her head is not engaged yet. I've had contractions on and off since 36 weeks. I had painful contractions 5-7 min apart a couple night ago for 4-5 hours and they just fizzled. I have a follow up appt on Monday (41w2d) and if my cervix is favorable they'll try for a gentle induction and if it doesn't work or if I'm still at a 1 cm, it's a RCS for me on Tuesday (41w3d). I really, really want my body to go into labor on its own - I was induced at 40w1d with DD1, long story). I'm starting to lose hope and I'm so emotionally exhausted from all the false alarms. I'm tired of the borage of texts & calls wondering if I've had my baby yet. I'm worried that the baby is getting too big to deliver (the BPP U/S yesterday estimated her at 9 lbs). I'm worried that I'm keeping my body from going into labor because I'm worried I won't go into labor on my own. I'm questioning if I should keep trying things to help labor along (walking, sex, red raspberry leaf tea ...) ugh, going passed your due date is a mind game. Please talk some sense into me.
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Re: Starting to think this VBAC may not happen - 40w6d

  • Some of these techniques from www.spinningbabies.com may help. It can't hurt. Good luck! I hope it works out for you.


    ETA: I do not believe an inversion is recommended if you have high fluid, so I would probably avoid that. 

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  • You can do it! In the scheme of labor, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 minute can make all the difference. Try to relax. And if all else fails, bribe your baby. Hey, it worked for me. Just don't tell my DD that I never paid up.

    For my VBAC, I was completely shut, no dilation or effacement at my 40w6d appt. My doctor even offered to strip my membranes if he could force his finger in at all. But no luck. I was tightly closed up. I had my c/s scheduled at 41w6d. I had pretty much given up hope, But when I was 41w2d, I woke up with contractions. After 24hrs they were 4min apart so we headed to the hospital. When I got there I was barely a one, a ONE! But about 8hrs later I had my sweet DD via VBAC at 41w3d.

    All I'm saying is, don't let the numbers go to your head. You still have plenty of time and there isn't a correlation between early dilation and VBAC success. Remember that size is also not an indicator of VBAC success or not, so it isn't worth adding to your worry over. And if you aren't at ease with your c/s date, change it. Move it a few days later if you think you need it. For me, scheduling the c/s date actually helped me relax, but if it makes you more tense, cancel it.

    I'm sure we'll see a success story on here any day now! Good luck!

    DS 5.5 years old. DD 3.5 years old. Jellybean EDD 8/18/13.
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  • I don't have too much advice, but I will say as far as things starting it can go from 0 to 60 in the matter of no time at all! I was barely a finger tip dilated at my 41 week visit, and they talked induction at 42 weeks. At 41w3d my water half broke, hourly later contractions came really hard. So it all happened fast! Keep doing what your doing, don't give yourself and "end" just concentrate on staying relaxed.
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  • First, I would start by trying to get the induction deadline off the table.  Is there a reason that you have to be induced if you don't go into labor on your own by 41+2?  Your body will go into labor on its own, but you have to give it the time to do so. 

    As PP said, don't let the numbers worry you.  Things can change very quickly and your current dilation/effacement tells you nothing as to when you will go into labor.  You could show no progress and go into active labor tonight.  You could walk around at 4cm for weeks.  The numbers mean nothing.  Obviously your body is gearing up though, that's why you're having the practice contractions. You're definitely getting closer.  

    Totally disregard the guesstimate about baby's size from your BPP.u/s.  The margin of error at this point is at least +/-2lbs so it really tells you nothing.  Just trust that your body knows what it's doing. 

    Baby will be here soon, just hang in there!

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  • Will they allow you to have a little bit of pitocin?  I was a tight 1cm with zero contractions when I went in at 40wks3dys.  After 9 hours of pit, I pushed DD out. 

    Can you push out your RCS date?  It sounds like your body is making some progress.  Maybe you could have them sweep your membranes on Monday and give it some time to work. 

    Do you know of an accupuncturist? I would give that a shot, if you can see someone on Monday. I loved the process, it really got me in the right frame of mind for labor.

    Good Luck and don't give up hope! 

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  • I'm another one who didn't go into labor until 41.3. My c/s was scheduled for 42 weeks after I cancelled the one at 41.3. GL to you, I hope everything works out!
        DS1 9.24.2010      DS2 4.18.2012        DS3 12.15.2013

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