Cloth Diapering

Washing wipes and dipes together?

I bought flannel cloth wipes and thought I could just throw them in with the diapers, but I just read someone's post saying they wash their wipes with towels instead.  Is there a reason I shouldn't wash my wipes with the diapers?

Re: Washing wipes and dipes together?

  • No, you should absolutely wash your wipes with your diapers. Sorting diaper laundry is *not* something I am willing to do.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageAurora_Borealis:
    No, you should absolutely wash your wipes with your diapers. Sorting diaper laundry is *not* something I am willing to do.


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  • I wash all my diaper laundry together, too!  Diaps and wipes and wet bags, all of it.


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  • The only time I know of that you might do them separately is if you're having to use non-CD safe diaper cream and some of it gets on the wipes.


  • imageunaveragejane:
    The only time I know of that you might do them separately is if you're having to use non-CD safe diaper cream and some of it gets on the wipes.

    This, exactly 

    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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  • I wash mine together all the time.
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  • We always wash our wipes and fleece liners with towels because we often use lanolin on DS as a moisture barrier and I'm not sure if it is CD safe. So, we wash separately and have from day 1.
  • I wash them together.
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  • imageMrsPteranodon:

    No, you should absolutely wash your wipes with your diapers. Sorting diaper laundry is *not* something I am willing to do.


  • imagestever:

    No, you should absolutely wash your wipes with your diapers. Sorting diaper laundry is *not* something I am willing to do.


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  • Yay, good to hear!  I'm not a huge fan of laundry as it is, so I was really hoping to just throw the entire contents of my diaper pail in together!  Sounds like the only time I would sort out liners or wipes is if using a non-CD safe diaper cream.

    Thanks ladies!

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